Julia A. Hand Diary
Collection: Pioneer Diaries and Memoirs
Julia A. Hand Diary
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Partridge (Kansas)--History
Excerpts from the pioneer diary of Julia Hand
Julia Hand
Partridge Public Library, Partridge, Kansas USA
Partridge Public Library, Partridge, Kansas USA
1871 - 1875
Julia Hand, “Julia A. Hand Diary,” Partridge Digital Collections, accessed January 29, 2025, https://partridge.digitalsckls.info/item/2.
1871 - 1875 (Extracts)
1871 - 1875
Submitted by Joseph F. Hand (Son) Rt. 1, Box 11 Williams, Calif 95987
At the age of 24, having been married 4 years and living in or rear Plainville, Illinois, near Hannibal, Missouri, my mother, Julia A. Hand, wife of Thompson Bur-ton Hand began writing a daily diary on Sunday, January 1, 1871, which she maintained continuously until June 9 (her birthday) 1875. The purpose of the following pages by me are to give a resume of events covering the migration of my folks to Kansas and subsequent happenings up to the end of the diary.
On Sunday, September 29, 1872, my mother and dad and their two children, Herbert and Albert, Lade their friends adieu and started west by wagon. They made sixteen miles the first day but after two days they decided that their load was too heavy so they unloaded a portion of it and shipped it. At the end of three days there was some necessary blacksmithing to do. On the evening of the 3rd of October they arrived at Glasgow, Missouri, at sunset and the
Missouri river or the ferry.
On Friday, October 4th, a twenty-four hour delay to doctor one of the horses.
Tuesday, October 8, camp was made at the fair grounds in Lexington, Missouri.
Thursday, October 10, 1872, Dad’s 30th birthday, Mother gives him a volume of Shakespeare for his birthday.
Friday, October 11, 1872, marked the beginning of their life to be for many years in Kansans they crossed the state line this day. This day turned out to be a warm reception for them as the wagon sheet caught fire but there was not too much damage.
October 14th and 15th: have lame horse and lame calf.
So, on October 15 Fred Bolen, who traveling with Dad, leaves his lame horse and Dad sells the calf for three dollars.
One experience by the group in Kansas was the shortage of water and firewood.
October 20th, 1872, group gets almost to Newton, but Fred Bolen gets stuck in the mud so camp is made for the night. No wood, but buffalo chips are used for fire.
On Monday, October 21st, after leaving Newton and crossing the Little Arkansas river, the team gets stuck in the river on a log and Mother has to crawl out the back with the children as there was danger of tipping over.
Tuesday, October 22nd, camp on Cow creek within sight of Hutchinson.
Wednesday, citizens of Hutchinson persuade the men to look at the country, so they camp again on, Cow creek, near the railway.
Thursday, October 24, Dad and Fred Bolen at a standstill and at last conclude to go to Wichita and enter their claims so leave here and start at noon. (On foot?)
Friday, October 25th: Trouble this morning. Old Bill, the horse gone; no trace of him. Mother saddles Cain and rides out on the Newton road seven miles but no trace, but goes north of town and finds him tied to a post near a house.
October 26th, folks start for the.tr new home nine miles (SW) from Hutchinson. Had trouble crossing the Arkansas river and camped on an open prairie. Not a drop of water or a stick of wood.
Sunday, October 27, men go for surveyors. Arrive about dark. Dad takes them over to Mr. Carter’s. October 28th, 29th and 30th, Mother cooks for the surveyors and they finish their work.
Friday, November 1st: Dad begins his house today. Fred takes sick (on purpose perhaps). Mother looks at house and thinks it will be a long time before they can live in it.
For the next few days not much is accomplished except looking for lost cows. However, on November 6th they moved from their camp down to the combination sod and timber house. A prairie fire disturbs them.
Up until November 31 routine work was mostly hauling water, rounding up cows and calves and buffalo chips for wood. One round-up of the cows indicated that one of the calves had been attacked either by a dog or a wolf as he had lost about one-half of his tail.
November 11th Dad takes off the roof of their combination home and puts it on different. The next few days are spent trying to keep warm with buffalo chips, hauling water and digging a well. Dad makes fifty cents showing some men over the country.
(From information other than what is included in this diary it seems that my folks were the first settlers in Salt Creek township in Reno county, Kansas. (SE1/4 34-23-7) And it was hoped by my folks that the homestead on which they lived would be on the railroad instead of two miles north of it. Newton, Kansas, when they arrived was the end of the Santa Fe line and only a tool shed was located at what is now Hutchinson.)
November 12, 1872: For the next few days pretty much the same routine prevails. Hauling water every day. Each time Mother tries to do the washing she runs out of water before she finishes. Then the chore of rounding up the cattle and haulinq hay. Dad doing some work on his stable. Also makes another fifty cents showing some men around the country.
November 25, 1872: This entry of the diary indicates that their almost daily trips for water were to Salt creek about three miles north of the homestead. Also that Dad is still digging in his well.
Starting off in December work continues on the well by Dad and a neighbor by the name of Mr. Cossey. They finally strike water but have to curb the well to prevent cave-ins. Now they melt snow to water the stock. Mother states December 25th to be a cold and lonely Christmas for all of them. No Santa Claus comes. She does pop some corn and boil some molasses candy for the babies. Since some of Mother's entries are quite faded I find that the Mr. Coosey mentioned above probably should be spelled Causey. Mother mentions stopping there on the way to town so I assume they were located between the homestead and Partridge (then Reno Center). Many of the neighbors state that there is an awful lot of sickness among their horses.
December 29: Mother states that they put ASAFETIDA on the horses’ bridles to keep them from getting sick. If it was good for horses it must have been good for humans. I remember wearing a chunk of it sewed in a pouch around my neck day after day at school. We all had to do it. If only one pupil did it he certainly would be chased off the grounds.
And so ends a cold snowy December, 1872, for my folks and their neighboring pioneers.
January, 1873: Most of the month has to do with buffalo
hunters. They come mostly in pairs. Two have walked for 24 hours and wish to rest and get warm.
January 27: Two hunters stop to wait out the storm.
Have to stay all night. More hunters on way home stop to
warm. Folks have lost one of their two horses and Lill, the cow, unable to stand. They have to bring her into the house. Mother feels that they will be out of living creatures by spring.
February 2: Lill, the cow, still down but eating well.
Dad gets Mr. Mills and Mr. Holiday to help get her up.
February 4: Dad received seven letters and twenty dollars. Makes him feel so good he buys Mother a new wash tub and wash board.
February 6: Dad works at his stable and well curb.
Feb. 7: Lill, the cow, is better so she is put outside.
Up to this point the following names have been mentioned in the diary:
Mr. & Mrs. Causey and three girls.
Fred and Lucy Bolen and children.
Mr. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Holiday Mr. Walters Mr. Hale Mr. Carter
Feb. 12: Of course Dad and Mother did not know at this
time that twenty-one years later this date would be my birthday. But Dad must have suspected it for with the prospect of having to feed me and eleven other children he got a gun and wanted to go hunting with Fred Bolen the next day.
All through this part of the season all members of the family have had severe chills--and often.
Feb. 28: Dad arrives home from the hunt about 10 o'clock. He suffered ague on the trip but brings home lots of meat.
March 1: Folks receive word that the portion of their things that they shipped in Missouri to lighten their load on September 30th, 1872, is at the depot (Hutchinson).
Mother wonders how they will get them home. Freight service seemed to be rather slow in those days--five months for delivery to an adjoining state. Of course they had to extend the railroad in order to that well. (Railroad had reached Hutchinson, June, 1872.)
March 6-11: Usual homestead routine.
March 11: Men gather bones for sale. They receive $4.00 per ton for them.
March 12: Dad with the help of Fred Bolen and Mr.
Holliday get the well done by noon and immediately hunters water eleven head of horses out of it.
Fri., Mar. 14, 1873: Lill, the cow, has a calf.
Sat. Mar, 15: Dad and Fred Bolen go to town. Dad re-turned with some money that Mother's mother (Mrs. Jenkins) has sent them. The night before some hunters got the bucket stuck in the well and couldn't get it out.
Sun. Mar. 16: Dad and Mother go up (sounds like north)
to Mr. Holliday's for a visit. A very unpleasant walk home against the wind. If they walked it must not have been too far from the homestead.
Mar. 17: A hail and rain storm arrives at dark. Some hunters spend the night.
Mar. 20: Dad goes down (sounds like south) to Mr.
Holliday's. Now the neighbors are hauling water from Dad's well.
Mar. 24: Dad and Fred Bolen do some plowing. Mother
loans her wash tub to Mrs. Holliday. Starts to rain. Two hunters stop for the night. Also a tramp from town.
Mar. 25: Rain turns to snow. The two hunters do not
leave today but the tramp does. Next day snow is gone except for a couple of drifts.
Mar. 28: Mr. George’s wife and mother come and later
Mr. George and all decide that they had better stay a little while until their house is done. This brings the size of the homestead family to nine temporarily.
Mar. 30: We get up late but manage to qet over to Mr.
Mill's before the Quaker meeting is quite over. First such meeting Mother attended.
Apr. 1: April Fools day. Mother says none of the
family thought to pay tricks on each other. Dad and Fred go to town. Bring back mail but not their freight which they were notified about March 1st. Mother almost despairs of ever getting it.
Apr. 5: Dad and Mr. Mourer who came yesterday go over
the prairies. Poor man has laid another member of his family in the cold ground. My mother says, "My kind friend Bertha has gone to Heaven before us, and I had hoped to have her for a neighbor. Perhaps her father will settle near us."
Tues., Apr. 8: Little Argie George comes down with
measles or scarlet fever, we don't know which. Mr. Mourer bids us qood-bye and goes to town with Dad but returns at night. He enters some land one mile south of us.
Wed., Apr. 9: Folks decide Argie and Benny have measles
and Mother is worried since she does not know if she has ^ had measles or not. Dad and Mr. Mourer go up the river for
timber for two days. Herbie and Allie have bad colds.
Mother cooks an antelope pot pie for dinner and it is very good.
Thur., Apr. 10: Mr. Sherry, the Quaker preacher, comes
for milk for his wife who is sick.
Thur., Apr. 17: Terrific wind storm. Mother fears roof
will blow off but it holds.
Fri., Apr. 18: Mother saddles Kate, the horse, and rides
over to Mr. Holliday’s where Dad is helping him dig his well They are lucky for they strike water at 43 feet. Mr. George brings a piece of fresh buffalo meat.
Sun., Apr. 20: Mother not well. Starts to wean Allie
and he is cross. Dad and Mr. Mourer go to Quaker meeting at Mr. Mills. Mr. Causey and girl call. Also Mrs. Benedick Mother feels sick and dreads cooking for folks coming in.
Mon., Apr. 21: Mother breaks out with the measles. So Mrs. Benedick has to do some cooking for others instead of being cooked for.
_ Wed., Apr. 23: Herbie has the measles.
• Thur., Apr. 24: Dad brings four letters and the freight
which they shipped in Missouri September 30, but Mother finds all her fruit spoiled and states she could almost exrerminate those agents.
Sat., Apr. 26: Dad sets out some trees.
Sun., Apr. 27: Mother not well. Dad cooks breakfast.
Mr. Holliday calls, also Fred Bolen. Mother feels like kicking him out of the house. For the next few days Dad plows some at home, also for Mr. Mourer. Mr. Mourer moves into his home April 30th. Mr. George’s family are all sick. Dad builds a table for Mr. Mourer, also a table for Mother and a knife box.
May starts off not so hectic. Weather quite pleasant. Children getting over the measles and feeling better. Mr. George’s family are better and Mr. and Mrs. George come over to do their washing. Mrs. George stays all night. Mother makes a bed tick for the Mourers. Some rain up to May 7th. Dad spends most of the second week of May looking for his strayed cattle. One cow is found eight miles from home.
May 10: Dad plowing all day. Kills a rattle snake and
also has to kill the sick cow. From now until June many things occur. Mr. Smith calls. Dad goes for neighbors as
Lucy Bolen is sick. Mother and Mrs. Holliday go to
see her. Lucy has a (new) daughter. A herd of Texas cattle goes by and it takes Dad five days to find his own cows which had followed the Texas cattle. Mr. Mourer brings some mail. The Martins bring some mail two days later and a Mr. O'Daniels comes by on his way to his claim. Dad collects seven dollars from the railroad for the spoiled fruit. Some of the month of May is spent by the neighbors exchanging plowing. And all gather chips for fire and greens to eat.
June, 1873: Folks visit the Martins. Bad news: Delbert tries to kill a buffalo and accidentally kills the horse he is riding. Is thrown to the ground and injured. He dies later. June 9th, Mother becomes twenty-five years old.
While she is gathering greens a herd of buffalos passes within a stone's throw of her. A neighbor shoots one of them. Mr. Martin's mother arrives from the East. Corn planting time. June 15th, folks go to Sunday School and church with the Hollidays. Mother teaches one of the Junior classes. They also listened to two sermons. Monday,
Dad and Mr. Mourer lay out hedge rows. Buffalo meat spoils after three days and is thrown out. Dad digs in his cellar at intervals. On Thursday the 19th Dad helps Mr. Mourer drop corn. Friday brings a sack of flour and a load of lum-
ber for the new house. Monday the 23rd Dad plants sugar cane. On the 27th he finishes the cellar. Saturday the 28th Dad goes to town for another load of lumber. June has been busy for all the neighbors, exchanging visits and work back and forth.
July, 1873: A storm blows over the curb and scatters lumber all over the yard. Dad works at the sugar cane and lays out more hedge rows. Mother works at the coffee and gets it all out to dry. Friday the 4th much excitement: nine or ten Indians pass by. Mother gives them some of her home made bread and some meat. Mosquitoes are bad. Saturday the 12th temperature is 94 in the shade and not much shade. Grasshoppers are increasing in numbers. Monday the 14th Dad leaves early for the timber. Mother alone until Wednesday the 16th. But is happy and surprised as she thought he had gone to Medecine Lodge. But he went to Raymond (24 mi. NW) for cottonwood instead. A Mrs. Tavener is mentioned at this date. Now nearly all provisions are gone and folks are getting hungry. They did not receive money they were expecting. But receive it July 18th. For the next few days Dad and Mr. Martin work on the house. They expect to finish soon. Mother walks in the rain one mile south to Mr. Moure's for nails. Folks visited by Mr. Walters and the Wilsons. Also Mr. O'Daniels. July 29th folks move some of their things into the new house and spend their first night in it. July 31st Mother goes to Mrs. Carey's and finds no one home so on to Mrs. Tavener's and to Mrs. Holliday's.
Aug. 11, 1873: A Mrs. Hawkins brings some fresh buffalo meat. Mrs. Wilson sends some fresh corn. Dad starts on a
buffalo hunt. Mother kills a rattle snake in the cellar and two days later kills another one near the house. Mother visited by Mrs. Holliday, also Mrs. Benedick. Mrs. Holliday leaves but Mrs. Benedick can't as she has cholera morbus.
Mrs. Benedick's daughter comes and she and Mother are up all night with Mrs. Benedick. Mother says, "Strange that some people are always Am trouble to someone else." Mrs. Benedick gets better and goes home. Mother kills another rattlesnake which had seven rattles. While Mother spends the night at Mrs. Holliday's someone steals their largest water melon.
Aug. 22, 1873: Dad returns from the hunt. He and his outfit got twenty-five hides. Some suet and soap grease.
Dad, Mr. Martin and Mr. George go to town with the hides.
Mr. Thompson comes by and takes the folks over to Mrs. Hol-
liday's. August contains many visits back and forth between all the neighborhood pioneers since it has been an established custom from the start. *
Sept., 1873: For three days Dad and Mother tie up corn.
One thing about the pioneers, whenever their menfolks were gone (and that was often) the women got together in one or the other's home at night. Sept. 6 Dad goes to school meeting in the afternoon. Uncle George sends folks $11.00.
Dad happy again and buys Mother a new broom and a can of tea. Corn cutting time. Dad helps Mr. Martin some on his new house Mr. Carey helps Dad move the stove into Dad's new house from the sod shanty. Sunday the 28th Mrs. Holliday comes by and says they wish to go hunting Monday the 29th. So they all start out about nine o'clock in the morning and head north-
west. They kill four prairie chickens and camp without any water. Dog contacts a polecat so they have plenty of perfume. They then travel through sand hills. See cranes and wolves but no buffalo. Find water and make pleasant camp that night.
Oct., 1873: Start for home. Arrive about eight o'clock.
Mother says, "No more hunts for me. I've had it." Dad prepares to do some cement work at the house. October (?) 6th, Brother Albert two years old today. Oct. 10th Dad 31 years old today. Oct. 11 Mr. Mourer, who lives one mile south, sells his place and moves back to Hannibal, Missouri—after six months. Lots of time spent stuffing corn husks in the bed tick. Dad goes over to Mr. DeWitt's place and helps Mr. Beatty husk corn. Oct. 24 Dad receives a letter from his sister Sadie containing $1.00.
Nov., 1873: Dad working at Mr. Beatty's. Mr. Carey calls.
Also, Mr. Neal brings some mail. A letter from Dad's mother containing $1.00. Tues., Nov. 4, lots of teams going by as it is election day. Four teams of buffalo hunters camp for the night. They are a rough bunch and do lots of swearing.
Dad and Mother go over to Mr. Carey's and stop at the site of
the school house. Both families go to meeting at Mr. Mills'.
A new committee is appointed and Dad and Mother are on it. Meeting next week at the Bigelow's. Folks surprised at the
arrival of Farnsworth. He and Dad help Mr. Holliday with his sick horse. Sat., Nov 22: Brother Herb is four years old today. Mr. Dunn comes along and Dad and Farnsworth go to town with him. Grandmother Jenkins sends folks $10.00. Dad happy again and buys Herbie a pair of shoes. Nov. 24,
Dad helps survey the schoolyard. Dad and Lamar Farnsworth look at the country. Lamar talks of leaving tomorrow.
Mother hopes he and Sallie will come back next spring. Lamar still has not left. Sun., Nov. 30, Dad and Lamar go to meeting at the Bigelow's. The last of the folks' horses is dead.
Dec. 1, 1873: Dad and Lamar go over to the school house
to help with the concrete. Dec. 8, Lamar leaves. Hasn't decided on a piece of land yet. Much of December Dad spends working on the school house. Late in the month he goes down to see Farnsworth's claim but does not think much of it. Christmas day arrives with no snow. However, boys receive candy, cookies and raisins in their stockings that they had hung up. Mother receives a set of dominoes. Sunday, Dec. 28, Dad and Mr. Dodds go to the meeting. And so the year 1873 comes to an end with about the normal run of events.
January, 1874: This year starts off with a beautiful,
warm day, almost like spring. Dad and Mother had gone to prayer meeting the night before in the new school house.
Dad and Mother are surprised by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Hanks (real Quakers) who spend the night. Mr. Hariman brings a load of posts and in the ensuing days we see quite a lot of him. Activity this month is comprised mostly of visits between neighbors.
February: Frank Hawkins calls. Mr. McAdams who took sick
a few days ago passes away on Feb. 2. Feb. 9th, Mother cooks dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mills but does not eat as she feels bad. About four o’clock she gives birth to another little son, Jeptha David, named after Dad’s brother. Wed., Feb. 11, Dad joins the Grange and is made vice-president or overseer. Mother having a baby did not keep company from dropping in. Only three days after the birth the house was full of company. Of course I am sure they all helped with the work.
Later Dad has to do some ironing and mending. Fri., the 27th, had a little accident. Children upset the dining room table and break some dishes. This month the neighbors are eating and sharing buffalo fresh meat.
March: Mother has many visitors this month. Cannot go
out much herself on account of the new boy. Dad puts up a post for Mother’s clothesline. Also begins working on his garden. March 12 Mother goes to Grange meeting with Dad.
Mar. 14, Dad brings home a Mr. Alexander from the meeting. Thur., Mar. 19, Dad goes to town on Mr. Stebbins' trial. He has to go back again on the 20th. Sun., Mar. 29, Dad and Mother go to hear Mr. Dilley preach.
April, 1874: Dad to town. Mother to Mrs. DeWitt's for
the day. Mrs. Tavener also there. Dad comes by and we go home by moonlight. Next day Mr. Ackman, Mrs. Holliday and Mr. O'Daniel stop for dinner. We go to Grange meeting.
Apr. 3, Mr. George pauses on his way to Wichita. Apr. 4, a Mr. Bassett and John Maxwell come by. Mr. Bassett stops over night then visits at Fred Bolens'. Tues., Apr. 7, Dad elected Justice of the Peace. Sat., Apr. 18, Dad drops Mother off at Mr. thompson's on his way to town. Tues.,
Apr. 21, Dad goes to town with a Mr. Main Apr. 26, Folks go to Sabbath School and have dinner at Mr. Carey's.
Tues., Apr. 28, John Martin comes to plant corn, and as April, 1874, comes to an end, Dad is not well. Mr. O'Daniel takes his cattle. Mr. Holliday calls and takes care of the chickens. Dad helps make a coop.
May, 1874: Dad not feeling well for a few days. Mother
does chores and gathers chips for fire. May 5, Dad has to go to town. Mrs. Holliday calls. Garden work for a few days. Dad goes over to Mr. O'Daniel's and to the George's in the evening. Windy and stormy for two days Sunday,
May 10, fair and windy Mr. and Mrs. Thompson come over and she stays with Mother while men go to church Sabbath School. After dinner we leave the children with the men and go down to hear Mr. Dilley preach. Dad is busy for a few days. A trip to Mr. Thompson's for his horses. Goes with Mr. Tavener. Mother goes to Mrs. Holliday's with the boys.
Gets home late. Dad comes home wet. Argie George stays all night. Fri., May 15, Dad goes down to Mr. Holliday's for the churn. May 16, Dad plants pumpkins and churns for Mother. Mrs. Tavener calls, also Mr. Thompson. Sun., May 17, Dad takes Herbie to Sunday School. Mr. Dunn and family come for dinner. Dad and Mother go down to the convention and walk home. May 21, Dad goes to Grange. May 23, Dad goes to town. Takes some butter and receives twenty five cents for it. He brings home some crocks for Mother. Sunday, the 24th, Dad and Herbie go to Sunday School. They bring home Mr. and Mrs. Main. Then later they all go over to the school house and hear Mr. Dilley preach. His subject, "WORK."
Folks ride home with Mr. Thompson.
May 25: From now to the end of the month here is the sequence of events: Dad plants corn at Mr. Carey's. 26th: Mother churns, Mrs. Tavener calls. Mrs. Carey's little ones spend the day with Mother. Mr. Thompson is here plowing.
Dad goes over there and plants corn. 27th: Mother polishes the stove. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt come for dinner. Mrs. DeWitt goes home early. Mrs. Hawkins comes after some butter. Dad goes over to Mr. Thompson's again. Mother goes after the cow. 28th: Mother churns and works in the garden. Dad walks over to Mr. Thompson's and also hoes the potatoes. 29th: Some rain today. Dad and Mother set out tomatoes and cabbages.
Dad goes to town. Surprises Mother when he comes back with Farnsworth. 30th: Weather fair. Mother bakes and churns.
Dad hoes all day. Mother finds another rattle snake which
:111s. 31st: Dad and Farnsworth walk down to Sunday School.
(Those last seven days in detail are pretty much a cross section of what has been described each week throughout the diary. I can hardly realize so much activity in one neighborhood where much of the travel is on foot and the work done pretty much by hand. Also, my parents were purported to have been the first settlers in Salt Creek township. So there must have been quite a rush to settle in this vicinity. Mother has mentioned so many people in so short a time.)
June 1, 1874: Dad and Lamar (Farnsworth) go down to
Lamar’s claim. Next day Farnsworth and Mrs. Thompson for dinner. 3rd: Dad and Lamar start for town with Herbie but since they are walking they leave him at Mrs. DeWitt’s and she brings him home. Mr. Thompson plowing for Dad. 5th:
Dad plows corn with Mr. Meadow's mule. 7th (Sunday): Folks go to Sunday School. On the way home they stop at Mr. and Mrs. Main's for the evening. The Main’s bring them home.
9th: Dad plowing. Mr. O’Daniels and Dennis come over to plow. Mrs. Tavener calls. Today is Mother’s 27th birthday. 10th: Weather very dry. Jane 0'Daniels came for the day.
Mrs. Holliday calls. 11th: Dad returns Mr. Meadow’s mule. Mother churns. Allie Carey calls and wishes to get some butter. 14th: At last a nice rain. Mr. O’Daniels comes and takes the folks to his place for a nice visit and then brings them home. On the way home they see some little prairie dogs. 20th: Dad plowing. Mother puts up mosquito bar. Also bakes bread. Later Dad goes over to Mr. Hariman’s for the pony and Pet (?) who had gone over to Mr. O’Daniels on the 14th. 24th: Mother is surprised at seeing the neighbors going by from their homes. A report is abroad that Indians are coming with destructive hands. Mr. and Mrs. Main call after dinner and all go over to Mr. O’Daniels where many of the neighbors are gathered prepared to fight if the savages venture near. All are up until after mid-night. 25th: All feel relieved and go to their homes 27th: Indian excitement still prevails and settlers west of folks are passing by on their way east. Mother feels there is no danger but folks go down and spend the night at the Holliday’s. 28th: (Sunday) All go to Sunday School and return home. Mrs. Tavener and family stop for dinner. 29th: Rain again. More people pass this morning driving their cattle. One family had a son killed
about eighty miles west of our home. 30th: Weather warm and
sultry. Have a thunder and lightning storm which sets the grass afire in several places.
July 1, 1874. Wednesday. Dad and Mr. Main go to town. Mrs. Main spends the day. Receive some letters and a new dress for little Jeptha. 3rd: Folks prepare to go to Salt Creek school tomorrow. 4th: Folks go down to Mr. Holliday’s and splice teams and head for the celebration. Hear two orations and drink lemonade. After dinner all enjoy dancing. Return home nearly worn out. 8th (Wednesday): Plans made to go after wild plums tomorrow. Folks go over to Main’s for a supper of mush and milk. 9th: As soon as all are ready they start north over the cattle trail. Go until they strike the
river and camp for the night. 10th: Weather very warm.
All have breakfast by the camp fire and then start for plums. Each gather about a bushel and one half. Now start for home. Get some good water and camp about 10 miles from home. 11th Saturday: After breakfast all start for home. Get caught in the rain. Meet a friend who gives them some fresh buffalo meat. Arrive at Mr. Main's in time for dinner. Then to Grange meeting. Then on to home. Everything all right except the cat is missing. Mother cans six quarts of plums. (Days must have been longer in those times.) 12th (Sunday): Mother up early. Bakes bread. Goes to Sunday School. Mr. Thompson comes for dinner. 13th: Mother finishes canning the plums. Had 19 quarts and is glad the job is done. Folks hear of Mrs. Atherton's death. 14th: Mr. Holliday and Mr. O'Daniel drop in for dinner. 15th: Dad and Mr. Main go to town. Mother bakes bread. Irons some. Cuts out some sew-
ing and does some patching. It starts to rain and Dad comes home wet. 16th: Cooler after the rain. Mother goes over to the school house to work at the regalia. Cuts out material all day then Mrs. Main brings her home. 17th: Mother works some in the garden then folks go over to Mr. DeWitt's. Dad and Mr. DeWitt go fishing. Catch 19 fish each. Folks get home by starlight. Late when they retire for they cleaned the fish first so that they can have some for breakfast.
19th (Sunday): Mother up early. Kneads her bread and then makes breakfast. George McDaniels comes by and he and Dad go to Sunday School. Mr. Thompson leaves his little girls. Mrs. Thompson and sister stay for dinner. Also George.
20th: Folks up late. Dad goes fishing. Mother sews some. Stews a chicken and cooks potatoes for dinner which Dad gets home in time for. Mother churns and help clean the fish. 21st: Fair weather. Mother bakes bread. Mr. O'Daniel comes
tp plow. Mrs. Holliday spends the day. Mrs. Hariman calls. 22nd: Fair and warm. Dad and Mr. Main go to town. Mother cuts out some pants for Dad. Mrs. Main spends the day.
George O'Daniel gives up plowing and comes home. Dad and Mr Main get home late so the visitors remain.
23rd: Mr. and Mrs. Main go home before breakfast. Dad starts on a buffalo hunt. Mrs. Tavener spends the day.
Mother alone tonight. 24th: Mother gets the chores done and after dinner goes to the Holliday’s for the night. 25th: Mother back home to care for stock. Covers water melons to keep jack rabbits from eating them. Two men come by and get one of the buckets stuck in the well. Mother has to use a gallon bucket to get water. Mrs. Holliday spends the night. 26th: North wind. Mrs. Holliday goes home. Mr. O'Daniel gets the well bucket loose. 27th: Mr. Hariman and family
come by and state that grasshoppers are eating everything before them. 28th: Mother sick at heart about the destruc-
tion of their garden and corn disappearing like the wind by the grasshoppers. Mrs. Hariman still with Mother. Mr. Hariman comes later and they both stay for the night. They go home right after breakfast the next morning. 29th: Jeptha sick today. Mother churning when who should walk in but Dad carrying a white kitten for the boys. Didn't have any luck
on his hunt. Grasshoppers have about cleaned up everything. Dad cuts down some corn. 30th (Thursday) Dad and Herbie to town. Mrs. Holliday brings some stitching for Mother to do. 31st: Month ends with a short visit from Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt.
August 1, 1874r(Saturday): Heavy rain last night. Things look revived and if the grasshoppers had only kept away folks would have had plenty of corn. Now nothing remains but the stalks. 3rd (Monday): Dad goes away several days to cut hay. Mrs. Hickman dies today. She will be greatly missed by her folks and the community. Mrs. George leaves her two children for the night. Mrs. Holloway stays over night. 4th: Have short heavy rain shower. Mrs. Holliday leaves after the rain. Mrs. DeWitt starts for Mrs. Hick-man's funeral. Mr. George picks up the children. Mrs.
George has gone to Michigan. 5th: Dad comes home after cutting several loads of hay. 6th: Family visits at Mr.
Main's and pick up chips on the way home. 7th: Dad goes for a load of hay and returns just as it is getting dark.
8th: Dad goes to town and qets home late as there was a mass meeting. 9th (Sunday): Mr. O’Daniel passes on way for Doctor as two of them are sick. One of Mrs. Counseler's twins was buried today. Mrs. Holliday is sick. 10th: Dad goes for hay again and does not return until noon Wednesday.
He then goes to caucus at Salt Creek and is elected a delegate to the county convention. 13th: Dad for hay again. Returns Friday evening. 15th: Dad off to town early. Mother says he never gets home till after dark. Indeed! This time it is mid-night. Mother tired of caring for stock. 16th (Sunday): Fair and cool. Dad sleeps all morning. Mother has breakfast and makes some play things for the children. Frank Hawkins calls. Mr. O'Daniel comes for water. 17th:
Fair and warm. Mother up early as has to bake bread. After breakfast Dad takes Pet over to Mr. Teeters. Mr. Dunn arrives and waits for Dad then they go after hay. We give Prince to Mr. Diehl. nj|d home late. 18th: Indian summer weather. Dad to town to attend court. Mother alone again but has a tooth-ache company and gathers some garden seed. 19th: Mother's toothache better but face is swollen.
She walks down to Mrs. Holliday's but no one home so she returns and does some sewing. 20th: Mother and boys go over to Mr. Thompson's. On way home see large rattle snake. Dad send a sack of flour. 22nd: Dad gets home about mid-night and brings three letters. 24th (Monday) Dad back to town.
Gets home late. 25th: Dad after more hay. 26th: Dad and Herbie go for more hay. 26th: Dad and Herbie go for more hay. Mrs. Holliday spends the day. 27th: Dad for more hay. Gets home late. 28th: Dad for more hay. Mother and boys go down to Mrs. Holliday's. Then return and do the chores. 29th (Saturday): General cleaning day for Mother. She does not finish as Mollie Metcalf calls. Dad gets more hay. Mr. and Mrs. Holliday come for the night. 30th (Sunday): Dad
helps all to get ready for Sunday School. They ride home with Mr. Main. After dinner they all go over to O'Daniels to see the sick folks. They look real bad. On the way home
they kill a large rattle snake. 31st: Mother up and baking bread. Dad goes to Grange meeting.
September 1, 1874 (Tuesday): Fair and windy. Mother up and baking bread also cooking a chicken. All plan trip to town tomorrow. 2nd: Off to Mr. Holliday’s and ride to town with Mr. Main and wife. Folks take dinner at Mrs. Rosan’s. Purchase some dry goods and have cold ride home. Cold north wind. Walk home from the Main’s. 3rd: Cloudy and rainy. Dad goes down to the Holliday’s for the sack of flour. Also has to walk after the calves. 4th: Mother goes down to the Holliday's on an errand. They are moving today. Dad after more hay. 5th (Saturday): Things look bad. Chick-
ens are out of food. 10th (Thursday): Dad goes to town.
Mother goes over to Mrs. DeWitt's but no one home so walks on down to the Carey's for a nice visit and then home early. 11th (Friday): Dad busy with a trial which he must attend tomorrow. Mr. Holliday calls. 12th (Saturday): Rainy all day. Dad goes to the school house to the trial and gets home late. 13th (Sunday): Rainy dismal day. Mother does the churning. Mr. Thompson calls Mr. Carey for dinner.
14th: Dad to town. Mrs. DeWitt spends the day. 15th: Fair weather . Mr. and Mrs. Carey spend the day. Mr. Shaw comes over to get his judgment. 16th: Dad and Herbie go to town. Mrs. Tavener spends the day with Mother. Mrs. Holliday comes for dinner. Dad brings two letters, some tea and shoes for Herbie. Next day Dad brings a letter from Mr. Mills for Mother. Mr. Shaw calls. 18th: Cloudy and cool. Dad goes to town with Mr. Shaw but returns without any wheat which he had hoped to get. 19th (Saturday): Fair and pleasant. Dad gets early start for the blacksmith shop to get the wagon repaired. This in preparation for a trip to Illinois which folks plan to make soon if they can get someone to move into the homestead. (Personal note: As many persons as I have read in this diary who were at the place nearly every day and night, I doubt that Mother and Dad would be missed unless they called the roll.) Purpose in going east: Mother would like to see her mother and her sister Dora. But now that the time is near she dreads to go. However she starts packing in prepar-
ation. 20th (Sunday): Small group at Sunday School today.
Mr. Main and lady and Mr. Huckleberry come home with folks till evening for a lively chat. Mother catches cold which seems to settle in her shoulder. 21st (Monday): Dad off to town before sun-up. Mother does the milking. Gathers chips and prepares to do the laundry but her shoulder is too sore.
Mr. O'Daniel calls, also Mrs. Hawkins. Mother says they wish to start on their trip this coming Thursday if possible. Dad
gets home. Still no wheat. 22nd: Cloudy and cool. Mother
irons, sews and packs. Dad goes after his mules and helps
Mother some about the house as she is very tired. 23rd (Wed-
nesday): Cloudy and misty. Mother bakes bread, churns, irons and packs all day. Alma Carey comes and helps and stays over night. They go over to Fred Bolens .for the cat. 24th (Thursday): Cloudy and rainy. Folks rise early, have break-
fast and start packing in earnest. Mrs. Tavener comes over, also Mr. Carey and bids folks good-bye. Mr. Main comes about noon so he and folks leave their home and start for the Carey's
to stay all night. Raining so folks are lucky to be inside of the house. This five miles from Hutchinson. 25th: (Fri-day):
Cloudy but prospects are for better weather. Folks continue journey. Arrive in Hutchinson about 10 a.m. Continue on to three miles beyond Burrton where they are lucky to sleep inside a house again. 26th (Saturday): Roads drying and better. Arrive at Halstead early. On to Newton and Walton. Then to within five miles of Peabody. Bad luck: lose a bed quilt. Begin to see land of trees once more and camp by a wood fire. 27th (Sunday): (16 years from today, 1890, will be sister Sylvia’s birthday. Of course Dad and Mother did not know this yet.) Folks start early and pass through Peabody and Florence and camp that night on a branch of the Cottonwood river. Children are cross and Mother feels miserable. 28th (Monday): Fair and pleasant.
Folks start early and soon reach Cottonwood Falls where they get some apples and peaches and also some wild grapes. Mother says it is strange to camp in the woods again. At noon they ate dinner on the top of a large hill near Elmdale. Beautiful view from here after being on flat prairie for so long. 29th: Fair and pleasant again. Start early. Arrive Emporia about noon and on toward Burlingame at three o'clock. Camp with a number of other wagons at Baldwin. In the woods again.
Oct. 1, 1874 (Thursday): Nice weather. Travel all day and it seems like a long one to Mother as she does not feel well and has siege of poison. Get some peaches and camp at
Ten Mile creek. 2nd: Fair weather. Folks pass through Baldwin, Black Jack and Gardner. Now in sight of Olathe.
Mother feels better. 3rd (Saturday): Now traveling through
thickly settled country to Kansas City. On to Westport where they camp out of Kansas at a lively place. Guess Dad and Mr. Main celebrated as they were up nearly all night.
(They had been in Kansas two years less eight days.) 4th (Sunday): Mother's face very sore from the poison. Weather now fair and warm. Folks cross the Missouri river on the bridge. Camp in the bottom land and rest for one-half day. Mother bakes bread and pies. 5th (Monday): Pass through Liberty and travel rest of the day among the hills and bluffs along the river. Camp in a lane. 6th: Nice day.
Travel through Black Jack and several small towns. Roads have been rough today, We get more peaches to eat. Lots of timber here. We camp in a grove near a house. Today is brother Allie's birthday. Three years old. 7th: Cloudy and cool today. Start early but make poor progress as mules are tired. Pass through Lawson and Polo and get onto desert roads. Camp on a creek. Tomorrow we separate and go different directions. 8th: Today we bid the Mains good-bye.
Our large mule is pretty stiff so we make slow progress.
Pass through Utica and Chillicothe and camp for the night.
9th: Cloudy and cool. Today we pass through Linneus. 10th (Saturday): Fair weather. Today folks travel with an emigrant
over very rough and hilly roads. Mother's face is better.
Today is Dad's birthday. He is 32 years old. (Born Oct. 10,
1842, Charleston, New York.) 11th (Sunday): Travel over hilly and timbered country. Camp near Mason City. Just two years ago the folks entered Kansas to homestead. 12th (Monday): Severe frost last night. Ice in the pail this morning. Folks go through town and hunt for Mr. Barnham's place. Finally find it about 7 p.m. Find them hale and hearty. 13th: Folks rest today. They walk over to the Wallace's in the rain.
Had planned to go on to Hannibal tomorrow but rain will pre-
vent that. Jennie has a nice little boy. 15th: Rains all day. Dora goes home and folks thought to return to Uncle Frank’s but Wallace will not hear of it. 16th: Mother so sorry they could not get to Hannibal and Grandmother's place.
Fears sister Dora may come. 17th: Spend the day and night at Uncle Frank’s. 18th (Saturday): Ann goes to a meeting. Wallace and Jennie come over. 19th (Sunday): Folks continue journey but roads are awful. 20th (Monday): Pass through Sydney. Traveling faster now on gravel. 21st: It seems like home to the folks to be once more in Hydesberg. But there have been so many changes. The smoke house has burned down.
Mrs. Gilbert is dead and Mr. Gilbert has remarried. Have dinner. with Aunt Sally then drive down to Grandmother Jenkins. Grandpa
in town. Meet another sister, Aunt Rose. The hill at Han-nibal looks about the same. Grandmother looks bad but won't
rest. Received a note from Mr. Main and they have reached the end of their journey. 22nd: Dad and Herbie go to town where Dad starts to work in the apples but sprains his back.
23rd: Dad not able to work. 25th (Sunday): Dad and Grandpa go to church. Mother and children take a walk through the tunnel. Then Mother plays dominoes with Aunt Rose. Dad back working at the apples. Mother for the rest of the month visiting with sisters Dora and Rose at Grandpa’s.
Nov. 1, 1874 (Sunday): Dad goes to meeting. Mother injures her foot on a nail. The rest of the week usual routine. 8th (Sunday): Folks go down to the Hannibal cave. It is a strange and interesting place. Cracks and crevices in the hills. This week Dad works in the corn. Aunt Dora goes to Quincy and back on the train. Comes home nearly frozen. Foggy this week and rains on Saturday. 15th (Sunday): This week Mother is contacted by Robert Owens about teaching the colored school.
First part of the week is cool and cloudy. Dad still gather-
ing corn. Snows on Thursday. Dad and Mother go to see Mr.
Theitly about her certificate for teaching. He is not home.
Herbie has his fifth birthday, Saturday the 21st. Aunt Dora entertains her beau. 22nd (Sunday): Week starts off with rain and by Friday is snowing. Dad plasters on the house and works with his mules. . Dad and Mother try again to find Mr. Theitly but no luck. Later Mother tries again and is successful this time. So she has her certificate to teach.
November - December
Thursday folks go from Hydesberg over to Illinois. Go by Grandmother's but she cannot go with them. They arrive at Uncle Josiah's after sunset. Saturday the snow is one foot deep. Letter received from Aunt Sadie. 29th (Sunday) to December 6th (Sunday): Mother arranges things in her own
room. Says is not very convenient. This week Mother starts teaching. Dad goes over first and makes a fire. Mother has eight scholars the first day. Second day there are more.
Dad has to do most of the home work. Mother has to take Jeptha to school with her one day. He turns out to be more trouble than the pupils. Mother says some of the scholars are bright and do as well as white children. 6th (Sunday): Jeptha has his first tooth. (No wonder he was cross at school.) School as usual for Mother. One thing about the job, if Mother does not have time to do the work at home she can always leave it for Dad. Dad making the rounds trying to collect some money. Is partially successful. Sad news from Kansas. It is feared that some persons may freeze.
13th (Sunday): School as usual. Dot Burnham arrives on Thursday. Friday, weather is like spring. Folks pick up the children at Grandmother's They have bad colds but are anxious to come home. 20th (Sunday): Weather changing. Dot Barnham leaves after breakfast for Barry where her brother lives. Mother has a large group at school. Tuesday snow on the ground. Thursday the 24th, only three pupils today. This night children hang up their stockings and expect something nice. Christmas day all arise and surprise each other with gifts. Children very happy over their candy and gifts. 27th to 31st: No school this week. Folks start to Farnsworth's with Aunt Nerve. Roads are so bad that they do not arrive until after dark. Sallie is quite well. after spending a wonderful evening they all retire and since it is very cold they all sleep in the same room by the fireplace. Tuesday noon start for home. Farnsworth and Sallie accompany them. Boy! What a rough ride!
And so the end of 1874
Jan. 1, Friday: Bad news received Saturday. Uncle Josiah passes away last Tuesday and was buried Thursday. Had ty-phoid pneumonia. Also Sadie Gilbert died on Monday and was buried on Tuesday. 3rd (Sunday): Mother having tooth-ache this week. Dad teaches for her on Friday. 10th (Sunday): Dad still teaching for three days. Mother goes on Thursday and finds pupils very trying. She whips one and scolds the others. Her own boys at home are also full of mischief. Saturday Mother goes to the dentist and has four teeth pulled and one filled. Go to Grandmother's and spend the night. 17th (Sunday): This week routine. Mother has bad week with her jaws on account of extractions. Grandmother visits. 24th (Sunday): Dad has to teach Until Friday. Folks are surprised on Tuesday by the arrival of Ell Pilcher and
children. Also Mr. Monroe and family. Visitors leave on Wednesday for Uncle John's. Saturday Uncle George brings some buffalo meat. Lamar also arrives. 31st (Sunday):
Mother teaches for two days then Dad Wednesday and Thursday. Friday Dad goes to London to draw some money. They spend Friday night at Grandmother's. Go home Saturday and Jarvice Barnham arrives.
February, 1875
Feb. 7th (Sunday): Dad teaches most of the week as the boys are sick and Mother fears they may have scarlet fever. 14th (Sunday) Mother teaches for one day and then takes the week off as her eyes are bothering her and they are doctoring the boys who are better by Saturday. 21st (Sunday): Dad teaches all week. Mr. and Mrs. Taft call on Monday. Grandpa came Thursday night and had breakfast Friday morning. Mr. Monroe and family stop over Friday night on their way to Kansas. They leave Saturday morning and Mother goes to Quincy on the train. Arrives at Mr. Gould’s just at dark. Finds him very sick. Aunt Dora is surprised to see Mother and Jep-tha. 28th (Sunday): Mother spends the week with Aunt Dora then they both ride down to Hannibal with a troupe of singers.
March 6th finds Grandpa sick with the rheumatism. Dad had picked up the other two boys the night before. So Mother rides home with Lamar and Sallie Farnsworth who are in town. 7th (Sunday): Mother and Aunt Dora sign some papers for Grandpa Jenkins so he can give them a deed. Dad comes home with his mules but had to give a mortgage on his land at Hannibal. Also gets deed from Mr. Jenkins. Folks go down to Mr. Brooks and have him make out a trust deed. Mother teaches all week. Mother and Dad real busy on Satur-
day as Dad wishes to leave for Kansas next day. 14th (Sunday) Dad gets started late. Mother is so worried as she fears something might happen and they would not meet again. Dad went today because he had a chance to travel with some other folks. Mother and boys are very sad. Mother starts teaching again. Farnsworth and Sallie come for the night Tuesday and leave Wednesday. They are still in the notion of going to Kansas. Snowy weather so Mother has only three pupils at school. 21st (Sunday): Mother teaching. Belle does most of the work. Mother receives a letter from Dad and knows he is having a rough time. Grandmother comes on Wednesday and takes Herbie home with her on Friday. Mother takes Allie to school with her. Saturday Mother goes to town and gets her deed from Mr. Jenkins who, Mother thinks, charged them too much or at least more than necessary. 28th (Sunday): Easter Sunday and warm. Mother real busy and says, "Oh how I wish these troubled times were over." "My school will be out next week and I hope to be in Kansas soon." "Five more days to teach. Am glad and in a way I am sorry." Mother's pupils are sorry to see her leave. Mother is hired for next year if she wants it. Mother goes to Grandma's on Friday.
April, 1875
Apr. 4th (Sunday): Mother returns home. Monday makes out her reports and takes them to Mr. Briggs. Then on to Mrs. Taft’s. Mr. Taft is going to Kansas Saturday he thinks. Mother gets her papers back from Mr. Briggs and starts packing. 11th (Sunday): A ghost comes and frightens Aunt Dora. Next day Mother discovers that the ghost was a dog. Mother now at Grandmother's on the hill in Hannibal. While making final arrangements to go home in Kansas she tries to sell some notes but has no luck. Uncle George helps Mother get a new stove and some dry goods which she will send to Kansas. Now she is ready to go but Mr. Taft cannot go until tomorrow. So she waits until tomorrow. Grandmother and Aunt Dora help Mother to the train. She gets started about 10 P.M. on Thursday, Apr. 15. Mr. Taft boards train at Bear Creek. Daylight Friday, Apr. 16, finds us near St. Joseph. Arrive in Atchinson about 10 A.M. Cross the ferry and wait until 12:40 P.M. and were then on their way home. Hope the train goes fast. Dad meets the train that night. Then start joyfully for home but do not make it until day-
light. 17th: We find that Sallie and Lamar are there. Mrs. Holliday comes over, also Mr. O’Daniels. Mother has a nap while Dad goes to the shop. 18th (Sunday): Mr. Taft comes by. Mother is glad to see all her friends again. Monday busy arranging things. Tuesday Dad goes to town to get their
things. Sallie goes to Mr. Holliday’s. Dad gets home late but has the new stove and the box of dry goods. Wednesday Dad and Mother set out trees and plants while Lamar plows for them. Mrs. Holliday spends Thursday with the folks. Sallie bakes bread. Friday Sallie and Lamar go to their claim. Mother does a large washing, scrubs and makes yeast. Satur-
day is rainy. Dad goes to town. Mother does the milking, bakes bread, sews some and does a large ironing. Sallie comes for dinner. The old cat has three kittens. (Never a dull moment here.) Dad comes home from the Grange. 25th (Sunday): Mother rises not feeling well. (Couldn’t be from loafing too much.) Monday and tries to plow. George McDaniel spends the day. Mother does some patching and works in the garden. Dad wishes to go over to Mr. Main’s so they do and spend the night. Return home next morning after breakfast. Stop at Mr. Carey’s, also Mr. Holliday’s and get some corn, flour and meal. Mother spends the rest of the day working in the garden. Next two days Dad helps Mr. Holliday plant corn while Mother Visits with the Mrs. Then Mr. Holliday comes and helps Dad and stays for supper. Rain Wednesday night. Thursday Dad finishes planting this A.M. and takes the planter home. (Note: This the first mention of a planter All other references to planting indicated that they planted by hand, dropping the corn in ditches.) Friday James Metcalf calls. Saturday too rainy to plow so the men sit around the house. Mr. Carey comes at noon. He, Dad and myself go to the Carey home. Men start to town but meet Mr. Mills with a load so they come back and spend the night at the Carey’s.
May, 1875
May 2nd (Sunday): Cloudy and snows a little. Folks all go to Sunday School/after which they hear Dr. Sharp preach.
Mr. and Mrs. Main come home with them where Sallie has pre-
pared a nice dinner. Monday Dad gets ready to break some sod for Mr. Metcalf. Herbie goes with him. Mr. Taft calls. Tuesday Farnsworth goes five miles north up to section 4 to dig a well. Sallie and Mother alone. Dad gets home late Wednesday. Mrs. Diehl passes on way to town. Thursday Dad and Mr. Metcalf go to town for the day. Mrs. Holliday comes by for an hour and brings a letter from Aunt Dora. Dad brings one from Grandmother. Friday Dad and Mother set out some apple trees. Sallie and Mother go over to Mrs. Hawkin's for the sewing machine. Saturday Sallie scrubs. Farnsworth goes to town. Mr. Taft is admitted to the Grange. Mr. Tavener brings out the trundle bed.
9th (Sunday): No one feels like going to church today.
Mrs. Holliday visits after dinner. Tonight Hutchinson can be seen clear and bright. Monday Dad plowing. Mother does the washing. Tuesday Sallie comes up to Mrs. Buckley's for the day. Farnsworth still digging at the well on section 4. Dad goes to Mr. Main's. Mr. Holliday comes over to help harrow and stays for supper. Wednesday Dad plows and Mr. Holliday harrows in the forenoon. Dad harrows in the afternoon. Sal-
lie and Mother haul some chips. Thursday more corn planting but this time by hand. Sallie irons. Lamar finishes the well at 57 feet. Friday finish corn planting. Lamar and Fred Bolen go to town. Some animal carries off Sally's guinea. Saturday Dad plows some and finds the feathers from the guinea. Men go to the shop but the blacksmith is not there.
16th (Sunday): Rainy and all sleep in. Visit the Holliday's late in the day. Days this week are alternately clear vend rainy. Monday Dad goes to Mr. Main's to leave some work at the shop. (Sounds like Mr. Main is the blacksmith.) On the way home stop at Mr. Carey's and Mr. Holliday's. Usual chores this week. Hoeing and pulling weeds in the garden. Too wet to plow so men qo to town. Farnsworth gets a dog.
23rd (Sunday): All to Sunday School as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Holliday return with folks. Also James Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Main call on their way home. Monday usual wash day for Mo-
ther after she milks the lame cow. Then churning to do and bread to bake. (I remember in later years how we youngsters used to purloin a piece of the warm bread that hung over the end of the pan under the cloth and cover the bread with fresh
butter. Boy! Was it ever a treat! Later Mother would discover the theft when she raised the cloth and would say to us, "Who has been at my bread?" Of course no one knew anything about it. I guess it would be hard to find fingerprints on a piece of warm bread.) Tuesday Mrs. Buckley spends the day. This week Dad kills a snake that has bitten the dog.
Dog real sick for a day or two. The men drown out six prairie dogs. Mr. Main keeps three small ones and folks keep one old one and two small ones. Sallie and Farnsworth go to their claim.
May 30th (Sunday): Mother and Dad to Sunday School with
Jeptha in the cart. Mr. Carey and family with them. Mr.
Tavener brings his wife over after dinner. Tuesday Dad plants some sugar cane and potatoes. Wednesday June 2, Dad and Mother ride down and leave the boys at Mrs. Holliday's then on to town with the Carey's. All go to the Grange meeting and take dinner with Mr. Taft. They hear of a terrible hail storm east of home. One of the little prairie dogs is dead. Thursday the dog kills the largest prairie dog. Only one left now. Saturday afternoon, folks and Mr. and Mrs. Main go to Salt Creek fishing. Catch only a small mess.
June 6th (Sunday): To Sabbath School and church as usual.
Mr. and Mrs. Main come home with the folks. Mosquitoes are bad. June 7th (Monday): Mr. 0*Daniel comes to plow. His wife and sister spend the day. June 8th (Tuesday): Folks see some grasshoppers and are afraid of another destructive infesta-tion.
And so to the last entry in this daily diary of over five years has been made.
Following are my personal thoughts and observations this diary: First, I know that Mother spent a tremendous
effort completing this record of a portion of her early
married life and her thoughts of her friends and relatives.
In my resume I have personally left out many, many references by Mother about her feelings and health, and how many times she was near to exhaustion from her labors. I feel she would have wanted it that way.
Secondly, as I progressed more and more with the diary
I became more and more interested and intrigued to such an extent that it seemed that I was with my folks during these many months.
And, lastly, I wish to say that all the respect and I have had for my parents has been greatly enhanced by this experience.
Respectfully, and in fond memory I bequeath this record to posterity.
Joseph F. Hand Rt. 1, Box 11 Williams, Calif 95987
This copy by:
Tyson V. Anderson 930 Michigan
Evanston, Illinois 60202
Julia A. Hand Diary
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Partridge (Kansas)--History
Excerpts from the pioneer diary of Julia Hand
Julia Hand
Partridge Public Library, Partridge, Kansas USA
Partridge Public Library, Partridge, Kansas USA
1871 - 1875
Julia Hand, “Julia A. Hand Diary,” Partridge Digital Collections, accessed January 29, 2025, https://partridge.digitalsckls.info/item/2.Text
1871 - 1875 (Extracts)
1871 - 1875
Submitted by Joseph F. Hand (Son) Rt. 1, Box 11 Williams, Calif 95987
At the age of 24, having been married 4 years and living in or rear Plainville, Illinois, near Hannibal, Missouri, my mother, Julia A. Hand, wife of Thompson Bur-ton Hand began writing a daily diary on Sunday, January 1, 1871, which she maintained continuously until June 9 (her birthday) 1875. The purpose of the following pages by me are to give a resume of events covering the migration of my folks to Kansas and subsequent happenings up to the end of the diary.
On Sunday, September 29, 1872, my mother and dad and their two children, Herbert and Albert, Lade their friends adieu and started west by wagon. They made sixteen miles the first day but after two days they decided that their load was too heavy so they unloaded a portion of it and shipped it. At the end of three days there was some necessary blacksmithing to do. On the evening of the 3rd of October they arrived at Glasgow, Missouri, at sunset and the
Missouri river or the ferry.
On Friday, October 4th, a twenty-four hour delay to doctor one of the horses.
Tuesday, October 8, camp was made at the fair grounds in Lexington, Missouri.
Thursday, October 10, 1872, Dad’s 30th birthday, Mother gives him a volume of Shakespeare for his birthday.
Friday, October 11, 1872, marked the beginning of their life to be for many years in Kansans they crossed the state line this day. This day turned out to be a warm reception for them as the wagon sheet caught fire but there was not too much damage.
October 14th and 15th: have lame horse and lame calf.
So, on October 15 Fred Bolen, who traveling with Dad, leaves his lame horse and Dad sells the calf for three dollars.
One experience by the group in Kansas was the shortage of water and firewood.
October 20th, 1872, group gets almost to Newton, but Fred Bolen gets stuck in the mud so camp is made for the night. No wood, but buffalo chips are used for fire.
On Monday, October 21st, after leaving Newton and crossing the Little Arkansas river, the team gets stuck in the river on a log and Mother has to crawl out the back with the children as there was danger of tipping over.
Tuesday, October 22nd, camp on Cow creek within sight of Hutchinson.
Wednesday, citizens of Hutchinson persuade the men to look at the country, so they camp again on, Cow creek, near the railway.
Thursday, October 24, Dad and Fred Bolen at a standstill and at last conclude to go to Wichita and enter their claims so leave here and start at noon. (On foot?)
Friday, October 25th: Trouble this morning. Old Bill, the horse gone; no trace of him. Mother saddles Cain and rides out on the Newton road seven miles but no trace, but goes north of town and finds him tied to a post near a house.
October 26th, folks start for the.tr new home nine miles (SW) from Hutchinson. Had trouble crossing the Arkansas river and camped on an open prairie. Not a drop of water or a stick of wood.
Sunday, October 27, men go for surveyors. Arrive about dark. Dad takes them over to Mr. Carter’s. October 28th, 29th and 30th, Mother cooks for the surveyors and they finish their work.
Friday, November 1st: Dad begins his house today. Fred takes sick (on purpose perhaps). Mother looks at house and thinks it will be a long time before they can live in it.
For the next few days not much is accomplished except looking for lost cows. However, on November 6th they moved from their camp down to the combination sod and timber house. A prairie fire disturbs them.
Up until November 31 routine work was mostly hauling water, rounding up cows and calves and buffalo chips for wood. One round-up of the cows indicated that one of the calves had been attacked either by a dog or a wolf as he had lost about one-half of his tail.
November 11th Dad takes off the roof of their combination home and puts it on different. The next few days are spent trying to keep warm with buffalo chips, hauling water and digging a well. Dad makes fifty cents showing some men over the country.
(From information other than what is included in this diary it seems that my folks were the first settlers in Salt Creek township in Reno county, Kansas. (SE1/4 34-23-7) And it was hoped by my folks that the homestead on which they lived would be on the railroad instead of two miles north of it. Newton, Kansas, when they arrived was the end of the Santa Fe line and only a tool shed was located at what is now Hutchinson.)
November 12, 1872: For the next few days pretty much the same routine prevails. Hauling water every day. Each time Mother tries to do the washing she runs out of water before she finishes. Then the chore of rounding up the cattle and haulinq hay. Dad doing some work on his stable. Also makes another fifty cents showing some men around the country.
November 25, 1872: This entry of the diary indicates that their almost daily trips for water were to Salt creek about three miles north of the homestead. Also that Dad is still digging in his well.
Starting off in December work continues on the well by Dad and a neighbor by the name of Mr. Cossey. They finally strike water but have to curb the well to prevent cave-ins. Now they melt snow to water the stock. Mother states December 25th to be a cold and lonely Christmas for all of them. No Santa Claus comes. She does pop some corn and boil some molasses candy for the babies. Since some of Mother's entries are quite faded I find that the Mr. Coosey mentioned above probably should be spelled Causey. Mother mentions stopping there on the way to town so I assume they were located between the homestead and Partridge (then Reno Center). Many of the neighbors state that there is an awful lot of sickness among their horses.
December 29: Mother states that they put ASAFETIDA on the horses’ bridles to keep them from getting sick. If it was good for horses it must have been good for humans. I remember wearing a chunk of it sewed in a pouch around my neck day after day at school. We all had to do it. If only one pupil did it he certainly would be chased off the grounds.
And so ends a cold snowy December, 1872, for my folks and their neighboring pioneers.
January, 1873: Most of the month has to do with buffalo
hunters. They come mostly in pairs. Two have walked for 24 hours and wish to rest and get warm.
January 27: Two hunters stop to wait out the storm.
Have to stay all night. More hunters on way home stop to
warm. Folks have lost one of their two horses and Lill, the cow, unable to stand. They have to bring her into the house. Mother feels that they will be out of living creatures by spring.
February 2: Lill, the cow, still down but eating well.
Dad gets Mr. Mills and Mr. Holiday to help get her up.
February 4: Dad received seven letters and twenty dollars. Makes him feel so good he buys Mother a new wash tub and wash board.
February 6: Dad works at his stable and well curb.
Feb. 7: Lill, the cow, is better so she is put outside.
Up to this point the following names have been mentioned in the diary:
Mr. & Mrs. Causey and three girls.
Fred and Lucy Bolen and children.
Mr. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Holiday Mr. Walters Mr. Hale Mr. Carter
Feb. 12: Of course Dad and Mother did not know at this
time that twenty-one years later this date would be my birthday. But Dad must have suspected it for with the prospect of having to feed me and eleven other children he got a gun and wanted to go hunting with Fred Bolen the next day.
All through this part of the season all members of the family have had severe chills--and often.
Feb. 28: Dad arrives home from the hunt about 10 o'clock. He suffered ague on the trip but brings home lots of meat.
March 1: Folks receive word that the portion of their things that they shipped in Missouri to lighten their load on September 30th, 1872, is at the depot (Hutchinson).
Mother wonders how they will get them home. Freight service seemed to be rather slow in those days--five months for delivery to an adjoining state. Of course they had to extend the railroad in order to that well. (Railroad had reached Hutchinson, June, 1872.)
March 6-11: Usual homestead routine.
March 11: Men gather bones for sale. They receive $4.00 per ton for them.
March 12: Dad with the help of Fred Bolen and Mr.
Holliday get the well done by noon and immediately hunters water eleven head of horses out of it.
Fri., Mar. 14, 1873: Lill, the cow, has a calf.
Sat. Mar, 15: Dad and Fred Bolen go to town. Dad re-turned with some money that Mother's mother (Mrs. Jenkins) has sent them. The night before some hunters got the bucket stuck in the well and couldn't get it out.
Sun. Mar. 16: Dad and Mother go up (sounds like north)
to Mr. Holliday's for a visit. A very unpleasant walk home against the wind. If they walked it must not have been too far from the homestead.
Mar. 17: A hail and rain storm arrives at dark. Some hunters spend the night.
Mar. 20: Dad goes down (sounds like south) to Mr.
Holliday's. Now the neighbors are hauling water from Dad's well.
Mar. 24: Dad and Fred Bolen do some plowing. Mother
loans her wash tub to Mrs. Holliday. Starts to rain. Two hunters stop for the night. Also a tramp from town.
Mar. 25: Rain turns to snow. The two hunters do not
leave today but the tramp does. Next day snow is gone except for a couple of drifts.
Mar. 28: Mr. George’s wife and mother come and later
Mr. George and all decide that they had better stay a little while until their house is done. This brings the size of the homestead family to nine temporarily.
Mar. 30: We get up late but manage to qet over to Mr.
Mill's before the Quaker meeting is quite over. First such meeting Mother attended.
Apr. 1: April Fools day. Mother says none of the
family thought to pay tricks on each other. Dad and Fred go to town. Bring back mail but not their freight which they were notified about March 1st. Mother almost despairs of ever getting it.
Apr. 5: Dad and Mr. Mourer who came yesterday go over
the prairies. Poor man has laid another member of his family in the cold ground. My mother says, "My kind friend Bertha has gone to Heaven before us, and I had hoped to have her for a neighbor. Perhaps her father will settle near us."
Tues., Apr. 8: Little Argie George comes down with
measles or scarlet fever, we don't know which. Mr. Mourer bids us qood-bye and goes to town with Dad but returns at night. He enters some land one mile south of us.
Wed., Apr. 9: Folks decide Argie and Benny have measles
and Mother is worried since she does not know if she has ^ had measles or not. Dad and Mr. Mourer go up the river for
timber for two days. Herbie and Allie have bad colds.
Mother cooks an antelope pot pie for dinner and it is very good.
Thur., Apr. 10: Mr. Sherry, the Quaker preacher, comes
for milk for his wife who is sick.
Thur., Apr. 17: Terrific wind storm. Mother fears roof
will blow off but it holds.
Fri., Apr. 18: Mother saddles Kate, the horse, and rides
over to Mr. Holliday’s where Dad is helping him dig his well They are lucky for they strike water at 43 feet. Mr. George brings a piece of fresh buffalo meat.
Sun., Apr. 20: Mother not well. Starts to wean Allie
and he is cross. Dad and Mr. Mourer go to Quaker meeting at Mr. Mills. Mr. Causey and girl call. Also Mrs. Benedick Mother feels sick and dreads cooking for folks coming in.
Mon., Apr. 21: Mother breaks out with the measles. So Mrs. Benedick has to do some cooking for others instead of being cooked for.
_ Wed., Apr. 23: Herbie has the measles.
• Thur., Apr. 24: Dad brings four letters and the freight
which they shipped in Missouri September 30, but Mother finds all her fruit spoiled and states she could almost exrerminate those agents.
Sat., Apr. 26: Dad sets out some trees.
Sun., Apr. 27: Mother not well. Dad cooks breakfast.
Mr. Holliday calls, also Fred Bolen. Mother feels like kicking him out of the house. For the next few days Dad plows some at home, also for Mr. Mourer. Mr. Mourer moves into his home April 30th. Mr. George’s family are all sick. Dad builds a table for Mr. Mourer, also a table for Mother and a knife box.
May starts off not so hectic. Weather quite pleasant. Children getting over the measles and feeling better. Mr. George’s family are better and Mr. and Mrs. George come over to do their washing. Mrs. George stays all night. Mother makes a bed tick for the Mourers. Some rain up to May 7th. Dad spends most of the second week of May looking for his strayed cattle. One cow is found eight miles from home.
May 10: Dad plowing all day. Kills a rattle snake and
also has to kill the sick cow. From now until June many things occur. Mr. Smith calls. Dad goes for neighbors as
Lucy Bolen is sick. Mother and Mrs. Holliday go to
see her. Lucy has a (new) daughter. A herd of Texas cattle goes by and it takes Dad five days to find his own cows which had followed the Texas cattle. Mr. Mourer brings some mail. The Martins bring some mail two days later and a Mr. O'Daniels comes by on his way to his claim. Dad collects seven dollars from the railroad for the spoiled fruit. Some of the month of May is spent by the neighbors exchanging plowing. And all gather chips for fire and greens to eat.
June, 1873: Folks visit the Martins. Bad news: Delbert tries to kill a buffalo and accidentally kills the horse he is riding. Is thrown to the ground and injured. He dies later. June 9th, Mother becomes twenty-five years old.
While she is gathering greens a herd of buffalos passes within a stone's throw of her. A neighbor shoots one of them. Mr. Martin's mother arrives from the East. Corn planting time. June 15th, folks go to Sunday School and church with the Hollidays. Mother teaches one of the Junior classes. They also listened to two sermons. Monday,
Dad and Mr. Mourer lay out hedge rows. Buffalo meat spoils after three days and is thrown out. Dad digs in his cellar at intervals. On Thursday the 19th Dad helps Mr. Mourer drop corn. Friday brings a sack of flour and a load of lum-
ber for the new house. Monday the 23rd Dad plants sugar cane. On the 27th he finishes the cellar. Saturday the 28th Dad goes to town for another load of lumber. June has been busy for all the neighbors, exchanging visits and work back and forth.
July, 1873: A storm blows over the curb and scatters lumber all over the yard. Dad works at the sugar cane and lays out more hedge rows. Mother works at the coffee and gets it all out to dry. Friday the 4th much excitement: nine or ten Indians pass by. Mother gives them some of her home made bread and some meat. Mosquitoes are bad. Saturday the 12th temperature is 94 in the shade and not much shade. Grasshoppers are increasing in numbers. Monday the 14th Dad leaves early for the timber. Mother alone until Wednesday the 16th. But is happy and surprised as she thought he had gone to Medecine Lodge. But he went to Raymond (24 mi. NW) for cottonwood instead. A Mrs. Tavener is mentioned at this date. Now nearly all provisions are gone and folks are getting hungry. They did not receive money they were expecting. But receive it July 18th. For the next few days Dad and Mr. Martin work on the house. They expect to finish soon. Mother walks in the rain one mile south to Mr. Moure's for nails. Folks visited by Mr. Walters and the Wilsons. Also Mr. O'Daniels. July 29th folks move some of their things into the new house and spend their first night in it. July 31st Mother goes to Mrs. Carey's and finds no one home so on to Mrs. Tavener's and to Mrs. Holliday's.
Aug. 11, 1873: A Mrs. Hawkins brings some fresh buffalo meat. Mrs. Wilson sends some fresh corn. Dad starts on a
buffalo hunt. Mother kills a rattle snake in the cellar and two days later kills another one near the house. Mother visited by Mrs. Holliday, also Mrs. Benedick. Mrs. Holliday leaves but Mrs. Benedick can't as she has cholera morbus.
Mrs. Benedick's daughter comes and she and Mother are up all night with Mrs. Benedick. Mother says, "Strange that some people are always Am trouble to someone else." Mrs. Benedick gets better and goes home. Mother kills another rattlesnake which had seven rattles. While Mother spends the night at Mrs. Holliday's someone steals their largest water melon.
Aug. 22, 1873: Dad returns from the hunt. He and his outfit got twenty-five hides. Some suet and soap grease.
Dad, Mr. Martin and Mr. George go to town with the hides.
Mr. Thompson comes by and takes the folks over to Mrs. Hol-
liday's. August contains many visits back and forth between all the neighborhood pioneers since it has been an established custom from the start. *
Sept., 1873: For three days Dad and Mother tie up corn.
One thing about the pioneers, whenever their menfolks were gone (and that was often) the women got together in one or the other's home at night. Sept. 6 Dad goes to school meeting in the afternoon. Uncle George sends folks $11.00.
Dad happy again and buys Mother a new broom and a can of tea. Corn cutting time. Dad helps Mr. Martin some on his new house Mr. Carey helps Dad move the stove into Dad's new house from the sod shanty. Sunday the 28th Mrs. Holliday comes by and says they wish to go hunting Monday the 29th. So they all start out about nine o'clock in the morning and head north-
west. They kill four prairie chickens and camp without any water. Dog contacts a polecat so they have plenty of perfume. They then travel through sand hills. See cranes and wolves but no buffalo. Find water and make pleasant camp that night.
Oct., 1873: Start for home. Arrive about eight o'clock.
Mother says, "No more hunts for me. I've had it." Dad prepares to do some cement work at the house. October (?) 6th, Brother Albert two years old today. Oct. 10th Dad 31 years old today. Oct. 11 Mr. Mourer, who lives one mile south, sells his place and moves back to Hannibal, Missouri—after six months. Lots of time spent stuffing corn husks in the bed tick. Dad goes over to Mr. DeWitt's place and helps Mr. Beatty husk corn. Oct. 24 Dad receives a letter from his sister Sadie containing $1.00.
Nov., 1873: Dad working at Mr. Beatty's. Mr. Carey calls.
Also, Mr. Neal brings some mail. A letter from Dad's mother containing $1.00. Tues., Nov. 4, lots of teams going by as it is election day. Four teams of buffalo hunters camp for the night. They are a rough bunch and do lots of swearing.
Dad and Mother go over to Mr. Carey's and stop at the site of
the school house. Both families go to meeting at Mr. Mills'.
A new committee is appointed and Dad and Mother are on it. Meeting next week at the Bigelow's. Folks surprised at the
arrival of Farnsworth. He and Dad help Mr. Holliday with his sick horse. Sat., Nov 22: Brother Herb is four years old today. Mr. Dunn comes along and Dad and Farnsworth go to town with him. Grandmother Jenkins sends folks $10.00. Dad happy again and buys Herbie a pair of shoes. Nov. 24,
Dad helps survey the schoolyard. Dad and Lamar Farnsworth look at the country. Lamar talks of leaving tomorrow.
Mother hopes he and Sallie will come back next spring. Lamar still has not left. Sun., Nov. 30, Dad and Lamar go to meeting at the Bigelow's. The last of the folks' horses is dead.
Dec. 1, 1873: Dad and Lamar go over to the school house
to help with the concrete. Dec. 8, Lamar leaves. Hasn't decided on a piece of land yet. Much of December Dad spends working on the school house. Late in the month he goes down to see Farnsworth's claim but does not think much of it. Christmas day arrives with no snow. However, boys receive candy, cookies and raisins in their stockings that they had hung up. Mother receives a set of dominoes. Sunday, Dec. 28, Dad and Mr. Dodds go to the meeting. And so the year 1873 comes to an end with about the normal run of events.
January, 1874: This year starts off with a beautiful,
warm day, almost like spring. Dad and Mother had gone to prayer meeting the night before in the new school house.
Dad and Mother are surprised by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Hanks (real Quakers) who spend the night. Mr. Hariman brings a load of posts and in the ensuing days we see quite a lot of him. Activity this month is comprised mostly of visits between neighbors.
February: Frank Hawkins calls. Mr. McAdams who took sick
a few days ago passes away on Feb. 2. Feb. 9th, Mother cooks dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mills but does not eat as she feels bad. About four o’clock she gives birth to another little son, Jeptha David, named after Dad’s brother. Wed., Feb. 11, Dad joins the Grange and is made vice-president or overseer. Mother having a baby did not keep company from dropping in. Only three days after the birth the house was full of company. Of course I am sure they all helped with the work.
Later Dad has to do some ironing and mending. Fri., the 27th, had a little accident. Children upset the dining room table and break some dishes. This month the neighbors are eating and sharing buffalo fresh meat.
March: Mother has many visitors this month. Cannot go
out much herself on account of the new boy. Dad puts up a post for Mother’s clothesline. Also begins working on his garden. March 12 Mother goes to Grange meeting with Dad.
Mar. 14, Dad brings home a Mr. Alexander from the meeting. Thur., Mar. 19, Dad goes to town on Mr. Stebbins' trial. He has to go back again on the 20th. Sun., Mar. 29, Dad and Mother go to hear Mr. Dilley preach.
April, 1874: Dad to town. Mother to Mrs. DeWitt's for
the day. Mrs. Tavener also there. Dad comes by and we go home by moonlight. Next day Mr. Ackman, Mrs. Holliday and Mr. O'Daniel stop for dinner. We go to Grange meeting.
Apr. 3, Mr. George pauses on his way to Wichita. Apr. 4, a Mr. Bassett and John Maxwell come by. Mr. Bassett stops over night then visits at Fred Bolens'. Tues., Apr. 7, Dad elected Justice of the Peace. Sat., Apr. 18, Dad drops Mother off at Mr. thompson's on his way to town. Tues.,
Apr. 21, Dad goes to town with a Mr. Main Apr. 26, Folks go to Sabbath School and have dinner at Mr. Carey's.
Tues., Apr. 28, John Martin comes to plant corn, and as April, 1874, comes to an end, Dad is not well. Mr. O'Daniel takes his cattle. Mr. Holliday calls and takes care of the chickens. Dad helps make a coop.
May, 1874: Dad not feeling well for a few days. Mother
does chores and gathers chips for fire. May 5, Dad has to go to town. Mrs. Holliday calls. Garden work for a few days. Dad goes over to Mr. O'Daniel's and to the George's in the evening. Windy and stormy for two days Sunday,
May 10, fair and windy Mr. and Mrs. Thompson come over and she stays with Mother while men go to church Sabbath School. After dinner we leave the children with the men and go down to hear Mr. Dilley preach. Dad is busy for a few days. A trip to Mr. Thompson's for his horses. Goes with Mr. Tavener. Mother goes to Mrs. Holliday's with the boys.
Gets home late. Dad comes home wet. Argie George stays all night. Fri., May 15, Dad goes down to Mr. Holliday's for the churn. May 16, Dad plants pumpkins and churns for Mother. Mrs. Tavener calls, also Mr. Thompson. Sun., May 17, Dad takes Herbie to Sunday School. Mr. Dunn and family come for dinner. Dad and Mother go down to the convention and walk home. May 21, Dad goes to Grange. May 23, Dad goes to town. Takes some butter and receives twenty five cents for it. He brings home some crocks for Mother. Sunday, the 24th, Dad and Herbie go to Sunday School. They bring home Mr. and Mrs. Main. Then later they all go over to the school house and hear Mr. Dilley preach. His subject, "WORK."
Folks ride home with Mr. Thompson.
May 25: From now to the end of the month here is the sequence of events: Dad plants corn at Mr. Carey's. 26th: Mother churns, Mrs. Tavener calls. Mrs. Carey's little ones spend the day with Mother. Mr. Thompson is here plowing.
Dad goes over there and plants corn. 27th: Mother polishes the stove. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt come for dinner. Mrs. DeWitt goes home early. Mrs. Hawkins comes after some butter. Dad goes over to Mr. Thompson's again. Mother goes after the cow. 28th: Mother churns and works in the garden. Dad walks over to Mr. Thompson's and also hoes the potatoes. 29th: Some rain today. Dad and Mother set out tomatoes and cabbages.
Dad goes to town. Surprises Mother when he comes back with Farnsworth. 30th: Weather fair. Mother bakes and churns.
Dad hoes all day. Mother finds another rattle snake which
:111s. 31st: Dad and Farnsworth walk down to Sunday School.
(Those last seven days in detail are pretty much a cross section of what has been described each week throughout the diary. I can hardly realize so much activity in one neighborhood where much of the travel is on foot and the work done pretty much by hand. Also, my parents were purported to have been the first settlers in Salt Creek township. So there must have been quite a rush to settle in this vicinity. Mother has mentioned so many people in so short a time.)
June 1, 1874: Dad and Lamar (Farnsworth) go down to
Lamar’s claim. Next day Farnsworth and Mrs. Thompson for dinner. 3rd: Dad and Lamar start for town with Herbie but since they are walking they leave him at Mrs. DeWitt’s and she brings him home. Mr. Thompson plowing for Dad. 5th:
Dad plows corn with Mr. Meadow's mule. 7th (Sunday): Folks go to Sunday School. On the way home they stop at Mr. and Mrs. Main's for the evening. The Main’s bring them home.
9th: Dad plowing. Mr. O’Daniels and Dennis come over to plow. Mrs. Tavener calls. Today is Mother’s 27th birthday. 10th: Weather very dry. Jane 0'Daniels came for the day.
Mrs. Holliday calls. 11th: Dad returns Mr. Meadow’s mule. Mother churns. Allie Carey calls and wishes to get some butter. 14th: At last a nice rain. Mr. O’Daniels comes and takes the folks to his place for a nice visit and then brings them home. On the way home they see some little prairie dogs. 20th: Dad plowing. Mother puts up mosquito bar. Also bakes bread. Later Dad goes over to Mr. Hariman’s for the pony and Pet (?) who had gone over to Mr. O’Daniels on the 14th. 24th: Mother is surprised at seeing the neighbors going by from their homes. A report is abroad that Indians are coming with destructive hands. Mr. and Mrs. Main call after dinner and all go over to Mr. O’Daniels where many of the neighbors are gathered prepared to fight if the savages venture near. All are up until after mid-night. 25th: All feel relieved and go to their homes 27th: Indian excitement still prevails and settlers west of folks are passing by on their way east. Mother feels there is no danger but folks go down and spend the night at the Holliday’s. 28th: (Sunday) All go to Sunday School and return home. Mrs. Tavener and family stop for dinner. 29th: Rain again. More people pass this morning driving their cattle. One family had a son killed
about eighty miles west of our home. 30th: Weather warm and
sultry. Have a thunder and lightning storm which sets the grass afire in several places.
July 1, 1874. Wednesday. Dad and Mr. Main go to town. Mrs. Main spends the day. Receive some letters and a new dress for little Jeptha. 3rd: Folks prepare to go to Salt Creek school tomorrow. 4th: Folks go down to Mr. Holliday’s and splice teams and head for the celebration. Hear two orations and drink lemonade. After dinner all enjoy dancing. Return home nearly worn out. 8th (Wednesday): Plans made to go after wild plums tomorrow. Folks go over to Main’s for a supper of mush and milk. 9th: As soon as all are ready they start north over the cattle trail. Go until they strike the
river and camp for the night. 10th: Weather very warm.
All have breakfast by the camp fire and then start for plums. Each gather about a bushel and one half. Now start for home. Get some good water and camp about 10 miles from home. 11th Saturday: After breakfast all start for home. Get caught in the rain. Meet a friend who gives them some fresh buffalo meat. Arrive at Mr. Main's in time for dinner. Then to Grange meeting. Then on to home. Everything all right except the cat is missing. Mother cans six quarts of plums. (Days must have been longer in those times.) 12th (Sunday): Mother up early. Bakes bread. Goes to Sunday School. Mr. Thompson comes for dinner. 13th: Mother finishes canning the plums. Had 19 quarts and is glad the job is done. Folks hear of Mrs. Atherton's death. 14th: Mr. Holliday and Mr. O'Daniel drop in for dinner. 15th: Dad and Mr. Main go to town. Mother bakes bread. Irons some. Cuts out some sew-
ing and does some patching. It starts to rain and Dad comes home wet. 16th: Cooler after the rain. Mother goes over to the school house to work at the regalia. Cuts out material all day then Mrs. Main brings her home. 17th: Mother works some in the garden then folks go over to Mr. DeWitt's. Dad and Mr. DeWitt go fishing. Catch 19 fish each. Folks get home by starlight. Late when they retire for they cleaned the fish first so that they can have some for breakfast.
19th (Sunday): Mother up early. Kneads her bread and then makes breakfast. George McDaniels comes by and he and Dad go to Sunday School. Mr. Thompson leaves his little girls. Mrs. Thompson and sister stay for dinner. Also George.
20th: Folks up late. Dad goes fishing. Mother sews some. Stews a chicken and cooks potatoes for dinner which Dad gets home in time for. Mother churns and help clean the fish. 21st: Fair weather. Mother bakes bread. Mr. O'Daniel comes
tp plow. Mrs. Holliday spends the day. Mrs. Hariman calls. 22nd: Fair and warm. Dad and Mr. Main go to town. Mother cuts out some pants for Dad. Mrs. Main spends the day.
George O'Daniel gives up plowing and comes home. Dad and Mr Main get home late so the visitors remain.
23rd: Mr. and Mrs. Main go home before breakfast. Dad starts on a buffalo hunt. Mrs. Tavener spends the day.
Mother alone tonight. 24th: Mother gets the chores done and after dinner goes to the Holliday’s for the night. 25th: Mother back home to care for stock. Covers water melons to keep jack rabbits from eating them. Two men come by and get one of the buckets stuck in the well. Mother has to use a gallon bucket to get water. Mrs. Holliday spends the night. 26th: North wind. Mrs. Holliday goes home. Mr. O'Daniel gets the well bucket loose. 27th: Mr. Hariman and family
come by and state that grasshoppers are eating everything before them. 28th: Mother sick at heart about the destruc-
tion of their garden and corn disappearing like the wind by the grasshoppers. Mrs. Hariman still with Mother. Mr. Hariman comes later and they both stay for the night. They go home right after breakfast the next morning. 29th: Jeptha sick today. Mother churning when who should walk in but Dad carrying a white kitten for the boys. Didn't have any luck
on his hunt. Grasshoppers have about cleaned up everything. Dad cuts down some corn. 30th (Thursday) Dad and Herbie to town. Mrs. Holliday brings some stitching for Mother to do. 31st: Month ends with a short visit from Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt.
August 1, 1874r(Saturday): Heavy rain last night. Things look revived and if the grasshoppers had only kept away folks would have had plenty of corn. Now nothing remains but the stalks. 3rd (Monday): Dad goes away several days to cut hay. Mrs. Hickman dies today. She will be greatly missed by her folks and the community. Mrs. George leaves her two children for the night. Mrs. Holloway stays over night. 4th: Have short heavy rain shower. Mrs. Holliday leaves after the rain. Mrs. DeWitt starts for Mrs. Hick-man's funeral. Mr. George picks up the children. Mrs.
George has gone to Michigan. 5th: Dad comes home after cutting several loads of hay. 6th: Family visits at Mr.
Main's and pick up chips on the way home. 7th: Dad goes for a load of hay and returns just as it is getting dark.
8th: Dad goes to town and qets home late as there was a mass meeting. 9th (Sunday): Mr. O’Daniel passes on way for Doctor as two of them are sick. One of Mrs. Counseler's twins was buried today. Mrs. Holliday is sick. 10th: Dad goes for hay again and does not return until noon Wednesday.
He then goes to caucus at Salt Creek and is elected a delegate to the county convention. 13th: Dad for hay again. Returns Friday evening. 15th: Dad off to town early. Mother says he never gets home till after dark. Indeed! This time it is mid-night. Mother tired of caring for stock. 16th (Sunday): Fair and cool. Dad sleeps all morning. Mother has breakfast and makes some play things for the children. Frank Hawkins calls. Mr. O'Daniel comes for water. 17th:
Fair and warm. Mother up early as has to bake bread. After breakfast Dad takes Pet over to Mr. Teeters. Mr. Dunn arrives and waits for Dad then they go after hay. We give Prince to Mr. Diehl. nj|d home late. 18th: Indian summer weather. Dad to town to attend court. Mother alone again but has a tooth-ache company and gathers some garden seed. 19th: Mother's toothache better but face is swollen.
She walks down to Mrs. Holliday's but no one home so she returns and does some sewing. 20th: Mother and boys go over to Mr. Thompson's. On way home see large rattle snake. Dad send a sack of flour. 22nd: Dad gets home about mid-night and brings three letters. 24th (Monday) Dad back to town.
Gets home late. 25th: Dad after more hay. 26th: Dad and Herbie go for more hay. 26th: Dad and Herbie go for more hay. Mrs. Holliday spends the day. 27th: Dad for more hay. Gets home late. 28th: Dad for more hay. Mother and boys go down to Mrs. Holliday's. Then return and do the chores. 29th (Saturday): General cleaning day for Mother. She does not finish as Mollie Metcalf calls. Dad gets more hay. Mr. and Mrs. Holliday come for the night. 30th (Sunday): Dad
helps all to get ready for Sunday School. They ride home with Mr. Main. After dinner they all go over to O'Daniels to see the sick folks. They look real bad. On the way home
they kill a large rattle snake. 31st: Mother up and baking bread. Dad goes to Grange meeting.
September 1, 1874 (Tuesday): Fair and windy. Mother up and baking bread also cooking a chicken. All plan trip to town tomorrow. 2nd: Off to Mr. Holliday’s and ride to town with Mr. Main and wife. Folks take dinner at Mrs. Rosan’s. Purchase some dry goods and have cold ride home. Cold north wind. Walk home from the Main’s. 3rd: Cloudy and rainy. Dad goes down to the Holliday’s for the sack of flour. Also has to walk after the calves. 4th: Mother goes down to the Holliday's on an errand. They are moving today. Dad after more hay. 5th (Saturday): Things look bad. Chick-
ens are out of food. 10th (Thursday): Dad goes to town.
Mother goes over to Mrs. DeWitt's but no one home so walks on down to the Carey's for a nice visit and then home early. 11th (Friday): Dad busy with a trial which he must attend tomorrow. Mr. Holliday calls. 12th (Saturday): Rainy all day. Dad goes to the school house to the trial and gets home late. 13th (Sunday): Rainy dismal day. Mother does the churning. Mr. Thompson calls Mr. Carey for dinner.
14th: Dad to town. Mrs. DeWitt spends the day. 15th: Fair weather . Mr. and Mrs. Carey spend the day. Mr. Shaw comes over to get his judgment. 16th: Dad and Herbie go to town. Mrs. Tavener spends the day with Mother. Mrs. Holliday comes for dinner. Dad brings two letters, some tea and shoes for Herbie. Next day Dad brings a letter from Mr. Mills for Mother. Mr. Shaw calls. 18th: Cloudy and cool. Dad goes to town with Mr. Shaw but returns without any wheat which he had hoped to get. 19th (Saturday): Fair and pleasant. Dad gets early start for the blacksmith shop to get the wagon repaired. This in preparation for a trip to Illinois which folks plan to make soon if they can get someone to move into the homestead. (Personal note: As many persons as I have read in this diary who were at the place nearly every day and night, I doubt that Mother and Dad would be missed unless they called the roll.) Purpose in going east: Mother would like to see her mother and her sister Dora. But now that the time is near she dreads to go. However she starts packing in prepar-
ation. 20th (Sunday): Small group at Sunday School today.
Mr. Main and lady and Mr. Huckleberry come home with folks till evening for a lively chat. Mother catches cold which seems to settle in her shoulder. 21st (Monday): Dad off to town before sun-up. Mother does the milking. Gathers chips and prepares to do the laundry but her shoulder is too sore.
Mr. O'Daniel calls, also Mrs. Hawkins. Mother says they wish to start on their trip this coming Thursday if possible. Dad
gets home. Still no wheat. 22nd: Cloudy and cool. Mother
irons, sews and packs. Dad goes after his mules and helps
Mother some about the house as she is very tired. 23rd (Wed-
nesday): Cloudy and misty. Mother bakes bread, churns, irons and packs all day. Alma Carey comes and helps and stays over night. They go over to Fred Bolens .for the cat. 24th (Thursday): Cloudy and rainy. Folks rise early, have break-
fast and start packing in earnest. Mrs. Tavener comes over, also Mr. Carey and bids folks good-bye. Mr. Main comes about noon so he and folks leave their home and start for the Carey's
to stay all night. Raining so folks are lucky to be inside of the house. This five miles from Hutchinson. 25th: (Fri-day):
Cloudy but prospects are for better weather. Folks continue journey. Arrive in Hutchinson about 10 a.m. Continue on to three miles beyond Burrton where they are lucky to sleep inside a house again. 26th (Saturday): Roads drying and better. Arrive at Halstead early. On to Newton and Walton. Then to within five miles of Peabody. Bad luck: lose a bed quilt. Begin to see land of trees once more and camp by a wood fire. 27th (Sunday): (16 years from today, 1890, will be sister Sylvia’s birthday. Of course Dad and Mother did not know this yet.) Folks start early and pass through Peabody and Florence and camp that night on a branch of the Cottonwood river. Children are cross and Mother feels miserable. 28th (Monday): Fair and pleasant.
Folks start early and soon reach Cottonwood Falls where they get some apples and peaches and also some wild grapes. Mother says it is strange to camp in the woods again. At noon they ate dinner on the top of a large hill near Elmdale. Beautiful view from here after being on flat prairie for so long. 29th: Fair and pleasant again. Start early. Arrive Emporia about noon and on toward Burlingame at three o'clock. Camp with a number of other wagons at Baldwin. In the woods again.
Oct. 1, 1874 (Thursday): Nice weather. Travel all day and it seems like a long one to Mother as she does not feel well and has siege of poison. Get some peaches and camp at
Ten Mile creek. 2nd: Fair weather. Folks pass through Baldwin, Black Jack and Gardner. Now in sight of Olathe.
Mother feels better. 3rd (Saturday): Now traveling through
thickly settled country to Kansas City. On to Westport where they camp out of Kansas at a lively place. Guess Dad and Mr. Main celebrated as they were up nearly all night.
(They had been in Kansas two years less eight days.) 4th (Sunday): Mother's face very sore from the poison. Weather now fair and warm. Folks cross the Missouri river on the bridge. Camp in the bottom land and rest for one-half day. Mother bakes bread and pies. 5th (Monday): Pass through Liberty and travel rest of the day among the hills and bluffs along the river. Camp in a lane. 6th: Nice day.
Travel through Black Jack and several small towns. Roads have been rough today, We get more peaches to eat. Lots of timber here. We camp in a grove near a house. Today is brother Allie's birthday. Three years old. 7th: Cloudy and cool today. Start early but make poor progress as mules are tired. Pass through Lawson and Polo and get onto desert roads. Camp on a creek. Tomorrow we separate and go different directions. 8th: Today we bid the Mains good-bye.
Our large mule is pretty stiff so we make slow progress.
Pass through Utica and Chillicothe and camp for the night.
9th: Cloudy and cool. Today we pass through Linneus. 10th (Saturday): Fair weather. Today folks travel with an emigrant
over very rough and hilly roads. Mother's face is better.
Today is Dad's birthday. He is 32 years old. (Born Oct. 10,
1842, Charleston, New York.) 11th (Sunday): Travel over hilly and timbered country. Camp near Mason City. Just two years ago the folks entered Kansas to homestead. 12th (Monday): Severe frost last night. Ice in the pail this morning. Folks go through town and hunt for Mr. Barnham's place. Finally find it about 7 p.m. Find them hale and hearty. 13th: Folks rest today. They walk over to the Wallace's in the rain.
Had planned to go on to Hannibal tomorrow but rain will pre-
vent that. Jennie has a nice little boy. 15th: Rains all day. Dora goes home and folks thought to return to Uncle Frank’s but Wallace will not hear of it. 16th: Mother so sorry they could not get to Hannibal and Grandmother's place.
Fears sister Dora may come. 17th: Spend the day and night at Uncle Frank’s. 18th (Saturday): Ann goes to a meeting. Wallace and Jennie come over. 19th (Sunday): Folks continue journey but roads are awful. 20th (Monday): Pass through Sydney. Traveling faster now on gravel. 21st: It seems like home to the folks to be once more in Hydesberg. But there have been so many changes. The smoke house has burned down.
Mrs. Gilbert is dead and Mr. Gilbert has remarried. Have dinner. with Aunt Sally then drive down to Grandmother Jenkins. Grandpa
in town. Meet another sister, Aunt Rose. The hill at Han-nibal looks about the same. Grandmother looks bad but won't
rest. Received a note from Mr. Main and they have reached the end of their journey. 22nd: Dad and Herbie go to town where Dad starts to work in the apples but sprains his back.
23rd: Dad not able to work. 25th (Sunday): Dad and Grandpa go to church. Mother and children take a walk through the tunnel. Then Mother plays dominoes with Aunt Rose. Dad back working at the apples. Mother for the rest of the month visiting with sisters Dora and Rose at Grandpa’s.
Nov. 1, 1874 (Sunday): Dad goes to meeting. Mother injures her foot on a nail. The rest of the week usual routine. 8th (Sunday): Folks go down to the Hannibal cave. It is a strange and interesting place. Cracks and crevices in the hills. This week Dad works in the corn. Aunt Dora goes to Quincy and back on the train. Comes home nearly frozen. Foggy this week and rains on Saturday. 15th (Sunday): This week Mother is contacted by Robert Owens about teaching the colored school.
First part of the week is cool and cloudy. Dad still gather-
ing corn. Snows on Thursday. Dad and Mother go to see Mr.
Theitly about her certificate for teaching. He is not home.
Herbie has his fifth birthday, Saturday the 21st. Aunt Dora entertains her beau. 22nd (Sunday): Week starts off with rain and by Friday is snowing. Dad plasters on the house and works with his mules. . Dad and Mother try again to find Mr. Theitly but no luck. Later Mother tries again and is successful this time. So she has her certificate to teach.
November - December
Thursday folks go from Hydesberg over to Illinois. Go by Grandmother's but she cannot go with them. They arrive at Uncle Josiah's after sunset. Saturday the snow is one foot deep. Letter received from Aunt Sadie. 29th (Sunday) to December 6th (Sunday): Mother arranges things in her own
room. Says is not very convenient. This week Mother starts teaching. Dad goes over first and makes a fire. Mother has eight scholars the first day. Second day there are more.
Dad has to do most of the home work. Mother has to take Jeptha to school with her one day. He turns out to be more trouble than the pupils. Mother says some of the scholars are bright and do as well as white children. 6th (Sunday): Jeptha has his first tooth. (No wonder he was cross at school.) School as usual for Mother. One thing about the job, if Mother does not have time to do the work at home she can always leave it for Dad. Dad making the rounds trying to collect some money. Is partially successful. Sad news from Kansas. It is feared that some persons may freeze.
13th (Sunday): School as usual. Dot Burnham arrives on Thursday. Friday, weather is like spring. Folks pick up the children at Grandmother's They have bad colds but are anxious to come home. 20th (Sunday): Weather changing. Dot Barnham leaves after breakfast for Barry where her brother lives. Mother has a large group at school. Tuesday snow on the ground. Thursday the 24th, only three pupils today. This night children hang up their stockings and expect something nice. Christmas day all arise and surprise each other with gifts. Children very happy over their candy and gifts. 27th to 31st: No school this week. Folks start to Farnsworth's with Aunt Nerve. Roads are so bad that they do not arrive until after dark. Sallie is quite well. after spending a wonderful evening they all retire and since it is very cold they all sleep in the same room by the fireplace. Tuesday noon start for home. Farnsworth and Sallie accompany them. Boy! What a rough ride!
And so the end of 1874
Jan. 1, Friday: Bad news received Saturday. Uncle Josiah passes away last Tuesday and was buried Thursday. Had ty-phoid pneumonia. Also Sadie Gilbert died on Monday and was buried on Tuesday. 3rd (Sunday): Mother having tooth-ache this week. Dad teaches for her on Friday. 10th (Sunday): Dad still teaching for three days. Mother goes on Thursday and finds pupils very trying. She whips one and scolds the others. Her own boys at home are also full of mischief. Saturday Mother goes to the dentist and has four teeth pulled and one filled. Go to Grandmother's and spend the night. 17th (Sunday): This week routine. Mother has bad week with her jaws on account of extractions. Grandmother visits. 24th (Sunday): Dad has to teach Until Friday. Folks are surprised on Tuesday by the arrival of Ell Pilcher and
children. Also Mr. Monroe and family. Visitors leave on Wednesday for Uncle John's. Saturday Uncle George brings some buffalo meat. Lamar also arrives. 31st (Sunday):
Mother teaches for two days then Dad Wednesday and Thursday. Friday Dad goes to London to draw some money. They spend Friday night at Grandmother's. Go home Saturday and Jarvice Barnham arrives.
February, 1875
Feb. 7th (Sunday): Dad teaches most of the week as the boys are sick and Mother fears they may have scarlet fever. 14th (Sunday) Mother teaches for one day and then takes the week off as her eyes are bothering her and they are doctoring the boys who are better by Saturday. 21st (Sunday): Dad teaches all week. Mr. and Mrs. Taft call on Monday. Grandpa came Thursday night and had breakfast Friday morning. Mr. Monroe and family stop over Friday night on their way to Kansas. They leave Saturday morning and Mother goes to Quincy on the train. Arrives at Mr. Gould’s just at dark. Finds him very sick. Aunt Dora is surprised to see Mother and Jep-tha. 28th (Sunday): Mother spends the week with Aunt Dora then they both ride down to Hannibal with a troupe of singers.
March 6th finds Grandpa sick with the rheumatism. Dad had picked up the other two boys the night before. So Mother rides home with Lamar and Sallie Farnsworth who are in town. 7th (Sunday): Mother and Aunt Dora sign some papers for Grandpa Jenkins so he can give them a deed. Dad comes home with his mules but had to give a mortgage on his land at Hannibal. Also gets deed from Mr. Jenkins. Folks go down to Mr. Brooks and have him make out a trust deed. Mother teaches all week. Mother and Dad real busy on Satur-
day as Dad wishes to leave for Kansas next day. 14th (Sunday) Dad gets started late. Mother is so worried as she fears something might happen and they would not meet again. Dad went today because he had a chance to travel with some other folks. Mother and boys are very sad. Mother starts teaching again. Farnsworth and Sallie come for the night Tuesday and leave Wednesday. They are still in the notion of going to Kansas. Snowy weather so Mother has only three pupils at school. 21st (Sunday): Mother teaching. Belle does most of the work. Mother receives a letter from Dad and knows he is having a rough time. Grandmother comes on Wednesday and takes Herbie home with her on Friday. Mother takes Allie to school with her. Saturday Mother goes to town and gets her deed from Mr. Jenkins who, Mother thinks, charged them too much or at least more than necessary. 28th (Sunday): Easter Sunday and warm. Mother real busy and says, "Oh how I wish these troubled times were over." "My school will be out next week and I hope to be in Kansas soon." "Five more days to teach. Am glad and in a way I am sorry." Mother's pupils are sorry to see her leave. Mother is hired for next year if she wants it. Mother goes to Grandma's on Friday.
April, 1875
Apr. 4th (Sunday): Mother returns home. Monday makes out her reports and takes them to Mr. Briggs. Then on to Mrs. Taft’s. Mr. Taft is going to Kansas Saturday he thinks. Mother gets her papers back from Mr. Briggs and starts packing. 11th (Sunday): A ghost comes and frightens Aunt Dora. Next day Mother discovers that the ghost was a dog. Mother now at Grandmother's on the hill in Hannibal. While making final arrangements to go home in Kansas she tries to sell some notes but has no luck. Uncle George helps Mother get a new stove and some dry goods which she will send to Kansas. Now she is ready to go but Mr. Taft cannot go until tomorrow. So she waits until tomorrow. Grandmother and Aunt Dora help Mother to the train. She gets started about 10 P.M. on Thursday, Apr. 15. Mr. Taft boards train at Bear Creek. Daylight Friday, Apr. 16, finds us near St. Joseph. Arrive in Atchinson about 10 A.M. Cross the ferry and wait until 12:40 P.M. and were then on their way home. Hope the train goes fast. Dad meets the train that night. Then start joyfully for home but do not make it until day-
light. 17th: We find that Sallie and Lamar are there. Mrs. Holliday comes over, also Mr. O’Daniels. Mother has a nap while Dad goes to the shop. 18th (Sunday): Mr. Taft comes by. Mother is glad to see all her friends again. Monday busy arranging things. Tuesday Dad goes to town to get their
things. Sallie goes to Mr. Holliday’s. Dad gets home late but has the new stove and the box of dry goods. Wednesday Dad and Mother set out trees and plants while Lamar plows for them. Mrs. Holliday spends Thursday with the folks. Sallie bakes bread. Friday Sallie and Lamar go to their claim. Mother does a large washing, scrubs and makes yeast. Satur-
day is rainy. Dad goes to town. Mother does the milking, bakes bread, sews some and does a large ironing. Sallie comes for dinner. The old cat has three kittens. (Never a dull moment here.) Dad comes home from the Grange. 25th (Sunday): Mother rises not feeling well. (Couldn’t be from loafing too much.) Monday and tries to plow. George McDaniel spends the day. Mother does some patching and works in the garden. Dad wishes to go over to Mr. Main’s so they do and spend the night. Return home next morning after breakfast. Stop at Mr. Carey’s, also Mr. Holliday’s and get some corn, flour and meal. Mother spends the rest of the day working in the garden. Next two days Dad helps Mr. Holliday plant corn while Mother Visits with the Mrs. Then Mr. Holliday comes and helps Dad and stays for supper. Rain Wednesday night. Thursday Dad finishes planting this A.M. and takes the planter home. (Note: This the first mention of a planter All other references to planting indicated that they planted by hand, dropping the corn in ditches.) Friday James Metcalf calls. Saturday too rainy to plow so the men sit around the house. Mr. Carey comes at noon. He, Dad and myself go to the Carey home. Men start to town but meet Mr. Mills with a load so they come back and spend the night at the Carey’s.
May, 1875
May 2nd (Sunday): Cloudy and snows a little. Folks all go to Sunday School/after which they hear Dr. Sharp preach.
Mr. and Mrs. Main come home with them where Sallie has pre-
pared a nice dinner. Monday Dad gets ready to break some sod for Mr. Metcalf. Herbie goes with him. Mr. Taft calls. Tuesday Farnsworth goes five miles north up to section 4 to dig a well. Sallie and Mother alone. Dad gets home late Wednesday. Mrs. Diehl passes on way to town. Thursday Dad and Mr. Metcalf go to town for the day. Mrs. Holliday comes by for an hour and brings a letter from Aunt Dora. Dad brings one from Grandmother. Friday Dad and Mother set out some apple trees. Sallie and Mother go over to Mrs. Hawkin's for the sewing machine. Saturday Sallie scrubs. Farnsworth goes to town. Mr. Taft is admitted to the Grange. Mr. Tavener brings out the trundle bed.
9th (Sunday): No one feels like going to church today.
Mrs. Holliday visits after dinner. Tonight Hutchinson can be seen clear and bright. Monday Dad plowing. Mother does the washing. Tuesday Sallie comes up to Mrs. Buckley's for the day. Farnsworth still digging at the well on section 4. Dad goes to Mr. Main's. Mr. Holliday comes over to help harrow and stays for supper. Wednesday Dad plows and Mr. Holliday harrows in the forenoon. Dad harrows in the afternoon. Sal-
lie and Mother haul some chips. Thursday more corn planting but this time by hand. Sallie irons. Lamar finishes the well at 57 feet. Friday finish corn planting. Lamar and Fred Bolen go to town. Some animal carries off Sally's guinea. Saturday Dad plows some and finds the feathers from the guinea. Men go to the shop but the blacksmith is not there.
16th (Sunday): Rainy and all sleep in. Visit the Holliday's late in the day. Days this week are alternately clear vend rainy. Monday Dad goes to Mr. Main's to leave some work at the shop. (Sounds like Mr. Main is the blacksmith.) On the way home stop at Mr. Carey's and Mr. Holliday's. Usual chores this week. Hoeing and pulling weeds in the garden. Too wet to plow so men qo to town. Farnsworth gets a dog.
23rd (Sunday): All to Sunday School as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Holliday return with folks. Also James Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Main call on their way home. Monday usual wash day for Mo-
ther after she milks the lame cow. Then churning to do and bread to bake. (I remember in later years how we youngsters used to purloin a piece of the warm bread that hung over the end of the pan under the cloth and cover the bread with fresh
butter. Boy! Was it ever a treat! Later Mother would discover the theft when she raised the cloth and would say to us, "Who has been at my bread?" Of course no one knew anything about it. I guess it would be hard to find fingerprints on a piece of warm bread.) Tuesday Mrs. Buckley spends the day. This week Dad kills a snake that has bitten the dog.
Dog real sick for a day or two. The men drown out six prairie dogs. Mr. Main keeps three small ones and folks keep one old one and two small ones. Sallie and Farnsworth go to their claim.
May 30th (Sunday): Mother and Dad to Sunday School with
Jeptha in the cart. Mr. Carey and family with them. Mr.
Tavener brings his wife over after dinner. Tuesday Dad plants some sugar cane and potatoes. Wednesday June 2, Dad and Mother ride down and leave the boys at Mrs. Holliday's then on to town with the Carey's. All go to the Grange meeting and take dinner with Mr. Taft. They hear of a terrible hail storm east of home. One of the little prairie dogs is dead. Thursday the dog kills the largest prairie dog. Only one left now. Saturday afternoon, folks and Mr. and Mrs. Main go to Salt Creek fishing. Catch only a small mess.
June 6th (Sunday): To Sabbath School and church as usual.
Mr. and Mrs. Main come home with the folks. Mosquitoes are bad. June 7th (Monday): Mr. 0*Daniel comes to plow. His wife and sister spend the day. June 8th (Tuesday): Folks see some grasshoppers and are afraid of another destructive infesta-tion.
And so to the last entry in this daily diary of over five years has been made.
Following are my personal thoughts and observations this diary: First, I know that Mother spent a tremendous
effort completing this record of a portion of her early
married life and her thoughts of her friends and relatives.
In my resume I have personally left out many, many references by Mother about her feelings and health, and how many times she was near to exhaustion from her labors. I feel she would have wanted it that way.
Secondly, as I progressed more and more with the diary
I became more and more interested and intrigued to such an extent that it seemed that I was with my folks during these many months.
And, lastly, I wish to say that all the respect and I have had for my parents has been greatly enhanced by this experience.
Respectfully, and in fond memory I bequeath this record to posterity.
Joseph F. Hand Rt. 1, Box 11 Williams, Calif 95987
This copy by:
Tyson V. Anderson 930 Michigan
Evanston, Illinois 60202